chapter 2

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I wake up groggily, finding those warm chocolate orbs glaring at me again. I feel like I haven't left his gaze at all. I sit up all too quickly causing me to grasp my throbbing head. Seeing the worry in this mysterious boy's eyes, I ask or some water. Moments later, he is back. Hastily I sip the flavourless but refreshing water and decide to break the silence.
"Thomas," I stutter. My hero's face morphed into one of confusion, "My name is Thomas Brodie Sangster - I don't want to go back," I sob pathetically. Confusion I even clearer on his expression - Dylan's expression he later tells me. As I take my long fingers through my matter, blonde hair, Dylan offers me a hand. I accept and stand up wearily. I am not yet willing to explain my life to the stranger - it's getting dark outside. Perfect excuse. I start to think out loud and swerve towards the door when that familiar firm hand grabs my wrist again.
"I thought you didn't want to go back," he says, foiling my plan. We tells me to sleep on the sofa. He sings me to sleep, his American accent soothing me.
"Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
but you gotta realise that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don't have to be afraid 'cause we're all the same
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much."
I know that I nearly know him but it was, in this moment, that I decided that I am in love with my saviour. Truly. Madly. Deeply.
I curl up, hoping that they won't find me. A sharp hand collides with my face. I'd stopped fighting back years ago, it hurts less this way. Numb all over, I try to bundle myself up further. Feet belt into my spine. This is not how a human being should grow up, their family should nurture their children - not beat them till they're black and blue. Unable to be seen in public. They don't love me.
I wake up to a gasp. Dylan is clutching his chiseled face - my ripped clothes are drenched in sweat. The hand came away fro. Dylan's to reveal a red imprint of my palm. I could barely speak. Panics came over me as my hero's face became my father's and my breathing quickened. I huddled into a ball expecting a sharp pain anytime soon - it never came. My head poked out from between my knees to find Dylan on his. Staring at me.
"Are you okay?" His sensitive eyes boring into mine. Reassuring him, I intertwined my shaky fingers with his and nodded.
"Just a nightmare, nothing out of the ordinary," Dylan nodded, as if he understood but his expression was still laced with worry. I asked him to to sing to me again. His voice was.... mesmerising. He did so, this time stroking my hair.
"I love you," the words slipping my lips before I could stop. The angelic voice soothing me get cut off. Silence. It's just the breathes heaving in and out of his body that reassure my that he is still there.
"I-I love you too," Dylan stuttered.

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