Healthy VS Unhealthy

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When you're writing relationships between characters (romantic or not), you should know the difference between unhealthy and healthy relationships


I've seen far too many fanfics where characters cross others' boundaries way too often for them to be in a healthy relationship.

Have your characters respect boundaries. Everyone makes mistakes, but they shouldn't go out of their way to intentionally cross the line whenever they get the chance.


Every relationship will have arguments, but a healthy one will not have more arguments than pleasure.

Also, when an argument does occur, all parties should apologize and actually feel guilty/sorry for things they've said. If the characters don't feel upset for creating conflict between them and someone they're close too, it's not a healthy relationship.


Have them share interest in hobbies. Even if some characters didn't originally find interest in something, they should be actively taking interest in hobbies their friends/partners are interested in.

Have their strengths and weaknesses complement each other. If both characters struggle to voice their feelings, it won't be easy for them to stay together. Person A should be able to assist Person B and vice versa.

For example, Bakugou's quirk is destructive and he therefore cannot use large scale attacks when working with others. However, Kirishima can protect himself from Bakugou's quirk, meaning Bakugou can use larger attacks and not have to worry about his partner(s) as much. An example of quirks not working together would be Tokoyami's and Todoroki's or Bakugou's, as their quirks are counterintuitive.

Sharing motivations or goals would also be beneficial, but not as necessary. Some goals might not be compatible, but this doesn't necessarily mean characters are in unhealthy relationships.


Make sure they're aware of each other.

As in, noticing small features or habits that the other does.

Not only this, but make them aware of the other's feelings. They should be able to notice a switch in personality. Others who don't care for the person as much will not notice these small differences as well as those who care a lot.

Will to Help

When one of them is in a bad mood, in danger, or a tough situation, the other should be willing to help them, even if they aren't that great in said situation.

When feeling insecure, they should attempt to reassure them in their own way.

Obviously people like Bakugou aren't going to be great at emotional things, but if they care for this person, they should still try. There are others ways to help that don't involve mushy words or close contact. Maybe instead of saying kind words, they make a meal or go out of their way to make their day better.

Someone attempting to help another person in any way will show their concern for the other, no matter how small the action.


Characters in a healthy relationship will eventually be comfortable enough to show the other(s) their vulnerable side

This could be the character expressing their feelings more freely, but they could also just feel comfortable enough to eat a tub of Nutella in front of them

These things won't always happen immediately, but they should still happen at some point.


Characters can still be in character when doing anything I mentioned

You do not have to take away parts of their personality to make the relationship healthy

Relationships involve growth, but growing is not always improving or abandoning aspects of themselves

Unless you're wanting to make them out of character, please don't sacrifice the main parts of a character

Soft Bakugou is cute, nice villains are sweet, but they don't need to have that major change to keep the relationship(s) healthy

Don't get me wrong, I love reading fics where people are out of character, but sometimes I want a realistic version of these characters. I want to see Aizawa, Bakugou, Dabi, etc, express kindness their way.

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