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- Explain why the sun rises and sets (

- "I'd been dead only an hour."

- Humans start out at birth with milk white blood. The more crimes they commit, the darker their blood becomes. One day, you meet your soulmate. Skip a few years and everything is amazing... Until your soulmate, trips, falls, and exposes black blood. (writing-prompt-s on Tumblr)

- "It's odd, the things you remember when you're watching someone die." (Saturday Story Prompts)

- He looked at her like she was the sun, in that he never looked at her except in frustration. He basked in her warmth, he complained when she was gone, but he never looked. On days she was muted, he complained. On days she was stronger, he hid from her. He never looked at her until she was leaving, and in the beauty of the sunset he wondered how he'd never seen her before. (louisamayanniecat on tumblr)

- Explain where we go when we die (

- Soulmate AU where everyone has a black mark where their soulmate is supposed to first touch them. When the mark is touched by their soulmate, it turns to millions of colors. (fandangoing on tumblr)

- "The axe forgets, but the tree remembers." (Kyraneko on tumblr) (I couldn't find the author of the quote)

- On everyone's 18th birthday, they receive a letter from their future selves. Some receive long messages about their future lovers or messages about changes they would've made. Yours contains nothing but a small list of locations and the words, "NEVER VISIT". "You'd think I would know myself better than this," you say, typing the first set of coordinates into your GPS. (writing-prompt-s and oiaoe on tumblr)

- you're having a really bad day and look up and kinda say, "please, please, please, someone help me," and one minute later a guy with little horns pops up out of nowhere and just goes, "man, you don't know how fast angels are. Like, daaaaamn. Can you believe I'm feeling a bit exhausted? WOW" Turns out the Devil's son heard your request and had to fight several angels just to arrive and be your helping "guardian" because "you're cute". (tsutomi-goshiki on tumblr)

- Do not trust people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people. (winterpups on tumblr) (the quote is actually partially from Caitlyn Siehl's "literary sexts" and M.K. Wilde's "Katrina")

- "You can't change nature" "Change is nature." (Ratatouille)

- "Ten spears go to battle," he whispered, "and nine shattered. Did the war forge the one that remained? No, Amaram. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break." (Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive series)

- You are in a typical awkward elevator ride with a group of other people, suddenly, a man says, "so, I bet you're wondering why I've gathered you here," before hitting the emergency stop button. (writing-prompt-s on tumblr)

- "why do you fear the stars?" (AmethystDragonPrompts on Pinterest)

- Describe the seasons as if they were people (melissajenningz on twitter)

- Looking up at the man about to kill me, I realized something. I wasn't the hero in this story. I was the villain. And no one would mourn when I was gone. They would dance and sing on my grave. (

- "I never stood a chance, did I?" "That's the sad part, you did once." (

- "There used to be (insert number) of us... Now I'm alone." (

- Your doorbell rings and it's a person from another universe. "I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOURE MY FAVORITE CHARACTER AND I KNOW HOW IT ENDS AND WANT TO CHANGE IT." (shirtlesslion on tumblr)

- a sleepover with all of your favorite characters (jaclcfrost on tumblr)

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