The Good, The Bad, And The HC's

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(Hc meaning headcanon btw)

"Sero smokes weed" Is a horrible headcanon, and would never ever occur in the manga/anime. Sero canonically loves healthy food, and is friends with Bakugou. Bakugou would drag him to hell himself if he caught Sero smoking. This headcanon is often paired up with the "Sero is Hispanic" headcanon, making it racist. Do not use this hc, especially not when you use the Hispanic one.

There's nothing inherently wrong with headcanoning Sero as Hispanic, it's only an issue when you start using racist stereotypes such as smoking weed.

Headcanoning Mina as any race that isn't black/Asian is also racist. She canonically uses AAVE and is Asian(specifically Japanese), so you do not get to hc her as anything else. Side note, make sure she properly uses AAVE when you're writing her dialogue.

Speaking of AAVE, please do not have the characters use it unless they are black or you've made them black for your story. It's disrespectful and offensive.

Headcanoning any trans character as cisgender is transphobic. Please stop doing this. The same goes for headcanoning a queer character as straight. It's offensive and removes representation, which these communities deserve to have.

Just to clarify: Any hc that comes from stereotypes should not be used, please stop using them.

Anyways, onto hcs that are perfectly fine!

Shinsou uses his voice changer to mock different people. Kirishima typically asks him to mock Monoma.

Bakugou tells people to walk behind him because of PTSD from the kidnapping. He finds comfort in knowing someone he trusts is behind him.

The class surprised Bakugou on his birthday by taping Mineta up for him to beat with a bat.

Iida grew up distanced from his parents and was basically raised by Tensei, which is why he was so distraught when Tensei was injured.

Sero regularly tests his spidey-senses to see if he's actually Spider-Man.

Bakugou refuses to ever retire, and will only stop being a hero if he dies.

Denki once told Midoriya he looks like he'd eat hair, and had to hide for several days.

Hawks folds his wings around himself when he sleeps for comfort because he was never held like that growing up.

Bakugou wears glasses.

Mina unironically sings Barbie Girl.

Kirishima is really hard on himself when he fails to save someone, he even memorizes their names.

Sero gives people Ketchup as a gift.

Bakugou goes to bed so early because when he leaves, he can hear his classmates enjoying themselves and knows if he joined them he'd ruin their fun.

Hawks accidentally flies into windows.

Toga still wants to be a hero, but because of her quirk and past bullies, she decides to stay with the LOV.

Tokoyami considers Dark Shadow his favorite person. Dark Shadow's favorite person is Ryan Reynolds.

Midoriya sees All Might and Aizawa as father figures.

Bakugou refuses to close his tabs, so he has like 73 open all the time.

Denki is dyslexic, but tries to cover it up because he's embarrassed about it.

Tokoyami has Dark Shadow grab people's ankles when the lights go out.

Mineta is forced to retire early because of multiple allegations.

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