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Jake Hansen. The forgotten Hansen brother. The youngest out of the four. Three years younger than Edgar. Was also known as Fox, even Rev, in Norwegian.

He was the quietest brother, barely ever said a word, but when he did, his voice was gravelly, like he'd chugged acid. Even ever since he was a small kid, he barely spoke.

Some people thought he was mute, but he'd grunt or groan in response to some questions. Any other time, his bright green-blue eyes spoke what he was feeling.

The honey-blonde hair his brothers called a mop was usually short and lingered in a mohawk-ish style.

Jake overall was the definition of a fox, he was quiet, lanky, and taller than Edgar, but knew how to fight, and knew pretty well, his height being an overall advantage to shorter opponents cough Edgar cough.

And the nickname, fox, began when the older Hansen's friends started to come over, they start referring to Jacob as Fox, or Foxxie, even, because he was just so quiet.

Even now, when the eldest three brothers were TV personalities and stars on a show, barely anybody watching the show knew there was a fourth Hansen brother. Likely to the fact that Fox had verbally told his brothers not to mention him.

And yet Jake watched the show his brothers were on, Deadliest Catch, it seemed interesting how they'd interact with being Captain and crew. Sometimes he was happy he wasn't on the boat, since he didn't like talking, because his voice was so rough.

And it was interesting watching the other Captains on the show interact with their crews. Sometimes he wanted to help out on the boat while they were on trips, but he didn't like the idea of his face being all over the television.

Too much attention, too many fangirls and fanboys- just fans- to deal with, too much travel, too much stress, too much everything! And it seems that in the show, Norman was the quietest Hansen, oh how wrong they were, but at the same time, they didn't know there was a fourth Hansen.

He used to live in Ireland, far, far away from his siblings, but he rathered it that way. It was much easier there, in the countryside of Kilkenny. Not many people around. And thankfully nobody questioned him about his last name. His friends there didn't know either, but he'd rather it that way.

Although, yes, sometimes he'd fly up to Seattle to see his brothers, that was rarely.

But this time it was all different. He'd been fired from his job because he wouldn't communicate with his coworkers, scratch that he tried but it didn't work out. So he called his eldest brother and talked, just talked out his frustrations.

And Sig would always listen because he knew that Jacob never liked talking. And when he did, it was something serious. And they decided that Fox moved to Seattle, and live with Sig until he got onto his feet.

And it was then decided, by Jake, that he'd try work on the Northerwestwen. Fuck the cameras, fuck the media, he wanted to try, to help, and so he would.

Packing whatever clothes he had, he looked around the used-to-be guestroom that June had fitted to be an actual room. And Fox was grateful for it, although not verbally. He was also able to meet his nieces, who were happy to meet him.

He and Sig had bought raingear for him, although it was a bit difficult, cause he was tall and skinny. But in the end, they found slicks that fit him.

While he packed his rain gear into a separate bag, somebody knocked on the door and opened it. "You ready, Fox?" Sig's blonde head peered around the door, "We're leaving for the airport soon." Sig fully walked into the dark blue painted room, and the little bubble Kass called his home.

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