Chapter 3: Dream Team

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Tommy's POV

Tommy's breath hitched. The Dream Team? The most popular racing crew other than his family? Not to mention rivals of his family! Here. To see him? This couldn't be right.

Thoughts spiraled Tommy's mind as he walked with Phil. The two came to a halt and Tommy's eyes widened. George, Sapnap, and fucking Dream were fucking staring at him.

"Tommy Innit! Pleasure to meet you!" Dream took his hand out for me to shake. I try to shake it, but Phil grabbed my hand before I could.

"What do you want Dream." Phil scoffs.

"Easy. Tommy Innit. Will you join me for a racing outing today. I'll pay!" Dream smirks.

"Absolutely not-"

"Of course!" I exclaim as I push past Phil to walk to the Dream Team.

"Tommy I forbid-"

"Come on ya old bird, let the kid have fun." Dream snickers. Phil hesitates.

"Fine, but he has to be back in 3 hours. No later." Phil glares through Dream's poker face.

"Come on Tommy! We will have so much fun!" George exclaims.

"3 hours. No later." Dream states as he smirks.

We then left. The 3 hours consisted of food, racing, and shopping. George even recorded me beating Dream on the track for me! That is totally going on my channel later.

I laugh as we walk back from the mall, "That was fun guys."

"I know. We are awesome." Sapnap gloats.

I laugh, but we come to a halt. Did I say something wrong? Shit I embarrassed myself in front of the coolest racers!

"George, can you hang out with Tommy as Sapnap and I get ice cream for us?" George nods, "What do you want Tommy?"

My eyes widened. Nobody ever really asks what I want! "C-chocolate." I stutter out. Dream smiles and leaves with Sapnap. 

George stares at me and grins.

"Don't tell your old fucker of a father, but here is a bag of lollipops!" George loudly whispers as he pulls a bag of cherry lollipops from his bag. 

Cherry lollipops are an icon in George's career. In almost every picture you see of him, those cherry lollipops are with him. My eyes start forming tears as I hug him. 

"Thank you! This is the best day I have had in years!" George smiles.

"No problem kid, you are pretty cool." George! THE GEORGE! Called me cool. Man, Ranboo is going to be so jealous-

"Back with ice cream!" Sapnap screams as he ruins the moment. He hands George cherry ice cream with a big bite taken out of it. George's eyebrows furrow.

"What's with the bite?"

"Got hungry on the walk here. It wasn't that good though. You cherry-obsessed bitch." George rolls his eyes and starts eating his ice cream.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and flinch. I turn my head around to see Dream. 

"Oh, sorry Tommy. Here is your chocolate ice cream." He hands me a cone full of goodness. I grin as we continue walking back.

"Holy fuck. I haven't had ice cream in years!" I blurt out. You could hear crickets.

"Why not! Ice cream is a fucking staple!" Sapnap exclaims.

"Phil says I am not good enough for ice cream every time he gets it with my brothers." I shrug. 

"That is... sad." George mumbles.

The rest of the walk was silent, but the ice cream was good! We arrive back and Phil look at us in shock. Wilbur just glares daggers into my soul.

"Told you would bring him 3 hours. No later." Dream snickers. Dream then turns to me. "So Tommy how was our outing!"

"Great! I had so much fun!" Dream grins.

"On that note, why don't you permanently join the Dream Team!" My eyes sparkle.

"Of c-"

"Well you can't have him Dream because he is our newest member!" Phil says gleefully.

Wilbur eyes widen, "WHAT!"


End of this chapter, hope you enjoyed! Have a great day! 

Word Count: 624

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