Chapter 2: The Blow Up

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Tommy's POV

Tommy woke up to realize that he was in the same clothes as yesterday. Then he remembered last night. And how much his cheek hurt. Tommy scurried to the bathroom to realize there was a big bruise on his cheek the size of Wilbur's hand. Fuck! He hoped he had extra foundation. Tommy rummaged through his drawer. Yes! He still had some... but it was expired. 

"It will have to do until I can get to the store after my shift." Tommy groaned.

Tommy started applying the foundation to his skin. It was itchy, but he also would get yelled at by Phil if he looked abused because it would 'tarnish their reputation'. Tommy rolled his eyes at that saying. Phil always used it as an excuse. 

He quickly got around in his work clothes and ran out of the house and to the establishment. He got there just in time and got a scowl from Phil in the process.

"Don't be late next time Tommy." Phil glares.

Tommy rolls his eyes and walks behind the bar. Cleaning tables, remembering orders, and overall being miserable as he made sure to go to the bathroom every hour to make sure his foundation didn't rub off.

Tommy sighed as he cleaned the glasses with a rag. This day has been too fucking long.

"OH MY GOD! You are TommyInnit!" Tommy got spooked and broke the glass.

"Shit- Y-yea that is me though." I say as I pick up the glasses. Phil is going to get so pissy with me. I look at the lady. She was very pretty with freckles and brown wavy hair. Could be a flag girl.

"I really liked your video! How did you get ahold of Jubilee!" The fuck-

"O-oh I didn't think anybody actually watched my videos. I technically snuck in here and drove Wilbur's car though." The lady grinned.

"That is fucking sick. Are you going to be racing anytime soon?" I laughed.

"Hah. Funny one. My family thinks I am talentless compared to them. They wouldn't allow me to race."

"So they let you work as a bartender, but not a racer. That sucks. Your video is blowing up though. Everybody likes your racing. Perfect turns and the fact that you were in Wilbur's car."The lady admired as she twirled her hair.

"Yea I guess it was co-"

"Thomas Innit Minecraft! Get the fuck in my office." Phil says as he marches up towards me.

"Oh my god! You are Philza! THE PHILZA MINECRAFT! BIG FAN!"

Phil bows like a pussy, "Pleasure to meet you. I will have my son Techno serve you." The lady squeals.

"Oh my god! The Blade!" Phil nods and then grabs me harshly by the wrist.

Phil throws me into a chair and sits at his desk.

"Is there a reason I only see your face on social media?"

"I-uh." The door swings open harshly.


"And?" I grin. Then I feel a harsh sting on my cheek again. This bitch. This time foundation got on his hand. Phil then stares at my cheek.

"Hold on! MY HANDS FUCKING ARE RED NOW. Why the fuck did you even exist or use this girly stuff-"

"Wilbur that is no way to treat somebody." He called me a somebody for once! "Tommy how long has this foundation thing... been?"

"But he stole my car and recorded it! Not to mention locked my keys in there and made me get multiple car repairmen to get them out! Do you know how much that cost!"

"Wilbur I was asking a question to Tommy."

"I-I um months. That foundation is actually expired... I was going to go to the store to get more so I wouldn't 'tarnish your reputations'." I look down expecting some yelling, but instead I actually got a pitied look from Phil.

"Tommy I-"

"Phil come quick." Techno says barging through the door. "There are many people here looking for Tommy... 

and the Dream Team is here to see him."


End of the chapter hope you enjoyed! Have a great day!

Word Count: 663

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