Chapter 12: Questions

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Tommy's POV

Tommy woke up and freaked out that he didn't know where he was. He calmed down slightly when he realized that he was patched up and the fact he passed out at the Dream Team's gate. 

He tried to stand up, but just fell instead, making a loud thud.

Somebody came rushing in, "Tommy are you okay?"

I look to see Dream, "Yeah, sorry for just showing up I-"

Dream hugs me, "Tommy. You are fine. Now what happened?"

"I ran away. People don't respect me at home and the one that does just thinks of me as a replacement of my dead mom." 

"What about the ankle?"

"I hopped my fence and twisted it."

"It is swollen! Just that from a twist?" I nod.


"Tommy don't be sorry. Also you can stay here as long as you like. I think Quackity is making breakfast-"

"Quackity? The flag boy?" Dream nods.

"Come on, Sapnap will take all the bacon if we don't get down there."

"I can't really walk..."

Dream picks me up and starts carrying me, "Problem solved."

Dream rushes to the kitchen and puts me in a chair. He grabs breakfast for us both. It is scrambled eggs with bacon and pancakes with syrup. I begin eating, avoiding the curious stares of the other people in the room.

"So, come to join the Dream Team Tommy?" Sapnap asks.

"I wish..." I nervously laugh.

"Well, my offer still stands. If this is the way your family treats you with physical and mental abuse... are they really a good family?"

"They do have their flaws but they are really great people. I am the problem."

Quackity flips the pancake, "Maybe leave then. If they truly think that, give them what they want."

I look up at Quackity, "You make a great point. 

I'm now joining the Dream Team!"

Techno's POV

"What do you mean you haven't found him yet! Our reputation will be ruined because of that poor excuse of a son!" Phil yells at Techno, clearly in a panic. Not because Tommy was missing. Because their reputation would be at stake.

I sigh, "Dad, I already check Dream's place. They said no! I don't know where he could have gone!"

Phil glared, "Find him!"

I leave my father's office and go to my room. My phone dings in my pocket. I look, an upload from Tommy. Wait Tommy? I quickly click the video.

"Hey guys! I have an announcement!" Tommy says on a phone. He left his phone at home so we couldn't track him. 

Soon Dream with his mask comes into view, "Meet the newest member of the Dream Team!"

"Sorry everybody the SBI Racers weren't working out! This is going to be a great new chapter in my life though!" Tommy says before doing his outro.

I rush to dad's office, "Dad! You need to watch this!"

I show him the video and there's no reaction. There is a few minutes of silence before Phil opens his mouth to speak.

"Techno you can just burn all his stuff. If he wants to be a traitor to our team, then he doesn't need his stuff."

"But dad-"

"No buts, I expect everything to be gone at the end of this week."

I sigh, "Fine... but let me be clear that this is exactly why he left."

I slam the door clearly frustrated about the whole situation.

Oh how life could had been different.


End of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed. Have a great day.

Word Count: 555

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