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Tommy was a simple kid... except that his family were some of the best racers. And let us not forget that they ignore him and try to get away from him. It all happened when he was born. That was the main issue and tension between his family. Tommy never got to meet his mother because of this, mainly because he killed her when he was born. Phil hated Tommy for this. He had a nanny care for him, Puffy. Tommy even called Puffy "mama" for his first words. If only she was. His life wouldn't suck ass.

Now don't get him wrong, one of his family members cared for him. It was his older brother Wilbur. He sometimes went in the nursery and played him songs. Usually when the others were busy. Wilbur later on even showed Tommy how to drive! Tommy even tested out Jubilee, his car, before he stopped noticing him completely. You see Wilbur is the ladies' man. He sings songs and he drives an expensive car. You don't know how many girls come to the "Minecraft Race-and-Dine" to request to see Wilbur.

Tommy mainly spent his life at Minecraft Race-and-Dine. Phil paid him $10 an hour to work there. It wasn't bad, but it was less than the other workers. He also spent his time making racing videos with Tubbo and Ranboo. Mainly it is just to look back, but he got a few views out of it. 

Sometimes he spent days away from home. They didn't even notice or care though. Tommy just was a bug that they haven't completely squashed yet.

"Where were you?" Techno asked as Tommy suck in the house at midnight.

"What the fuck! Why are you up!" Techno shrugged as he sipped his tea.

"Insomnia. Now where were you?"

"I was studying." Tommy lied.

"For the past months? Yea I believe that." Fury boiled in Tommy.

"LIKE YOU CARE. WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK SOONER?" Techno had no answer. "EXACTLY." Tommy loudly whispered. Tommy stomped upstairs and threw himself into his bed.

Then he started crying. Why him. Then somebody opened the door. Not even a knock.

"Tommy be quiet. People are trying to sleep. And say sorry to Techno while you are at it. You will work double shift as your punishment." Tommy's blood boiled at his father's wait no Phil's words, but he couldn't do anything.

He was nothing compared to them.


HOPE YOU ENJOYED! I will post more of this after I work on vampires and specials! Have a great day!

Word Count: 414

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