Wakanda and the Arrivals

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6 months and 3 days after the Siberia Bunker fight

It was a normal day for Samuel Stark. He woke up around 7, and after breakfast he headed down to the Lab where Shuri and Bucky were. Shuri was making Bucky a new arm and Samuel a new right leg.

Because his old one had been blown off by his mother during the Siberia bunker fight.

Not that he blamed her or thought she did it on purpose. She had been fighting Bucky and had fired a repulsor blast at him when he dodged it and it blown Samuel's leg clean off. 

The shock and horror on her face as she realized what she had just done was enough proof that she hadn't meant to. The distraction had been more than enough to distract her long enough for Steve to knock her down and disable her suit. Steve and a wounded Bucky had carried the bleeding out Samuel out of the bunker when they had run into T'Challa who had discovered that Bucky had not in fact been the one to kill his dad during the bombing. Due to T'Challa's help they had managed to keep Samuel from dying that day.

So Bucky, Shuri and Samuel were testing the limbs when they were told that T'Challa requested their presence. So Samuel along with the others went to the throne room when they were joined by Samuel's sister Maria and his girlfriend Wanda. When they got to the throne room T'Challa told them that a collection of DVD's had been found with a note that claimed it was from the future. It warned of a threat that was coming soon that threatened all life in that galaxy. It had also been noted that the movies would not be able to be viewed until the following people were there to watch the movies. The people were

Clint Barton

Natasha Romanoff

James Rhodes

Antonia Stark

Harley Stark

Peter Stark

Pepper Potts

Maria Stark

Wanda Maximoff

Steve Rogers

Sam Wilson

Bucky Barnes

Samuel Stark




They had been informed that the others were already on their way and would be here in around a day. The group was dismissed to do what they normally did during the day when Wanda pulled Samuel away from the group.

"Are you going to be ok?" Wanda whispered to him and Samuel caught the hidden message. 'Are you going to be ok around the person that had blown your leg off?' is what she secretly asked

"I'll be fine Wanda." Samuel said before gently grabbing her hand "I love you." she whispered in his ear "I love you too." Samuel whispered back

The rest of the day passed in a blur and soon Samuel found himself with T'Challa, Maria and Wanda watching as the Stark private jet landed down. A few minutes later Antonia Stark and her other children along with Pepper Potts and James Rhodes were walking down the stairs

"Your highness." Antonia greeted T'Challa with a smile as the two shook hands. Samuel unconsciously tensed as her eyes locked with his, and Wanda gently grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

The walk back was a tense one. After all what do you say to someone you fought against, beaten the crap out of and in Samuel's case had their leg blown off during the fight.

Wakanda's theatre room was comfy, Samuel mused as he took in the Couches, beds and bean bag chairs spread around the room

Wakanda's theatre room was comfy, Samuel mused as he took in the Couches, beds and bean bag chairs spread around the room

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Everyone got in their spots as the screen turned on and a list of movies appeared that they were going to watch

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Everyone got in their spots as the screen turned on and a list of movies appeared that they were going to watch

Captain America the first Avenger

Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden 2



Iron Maiden 3

The Winter Soldier

Age of Ultron

Civil War

Thor Ragnarök

Infinity War


1st row (Bean bags)

Clint, Natasha, T'challa, Shuri, Bucky, Steve

2nd row (Chairs)

Antonia, Harley, Rhodey, Peter, Phoenix, Vision

3rd row (Beds)

Samuel, Wanda, Maria, 

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