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A vehicle driving in the middle of the arctic. A man walks up to them waving his hand, signalling them. Two men step out of the car.

The man asks if they're from washington.

One of the men asks if he gets any visitors.

The other asks how long he's been there.

The man says he's been there since that morning and that a Russian oil team gave called it in 18 hours ago.

The man asks how no one spotted it earlier.

"What the hell are they talking about?" Samuel asks and spots Steve opening his mouth " I know. Language and all that shit." Samuel says, rolling his eyes and Steve shakes his head

One of them says that it isn't surprising because the landscapes always changing. He then asks what the thing is.

The man says he doesn't know but he thinks it's a weather balloon.

The man says that they don't have the equipment for a job like this.

Another asks how long before they can crane it out.

The man says that they're going to need one hell of a crane. The camera pans to show a plane.

"Oh this must be when they found me." Steve says and Toni scowls "Unfortunately." she mutters, getting a glare from Maria.

A laser is shown cutting through a part of the plane, after a moment a piece of the plane falls through the hole it made. A man lowers himself through another follows, they start looking around. One of them bends down beside something, he brushes the snow off. A man asks what it is.

The other tells him to get him a line to the colonel.

The other says that its 3am.

The man says he doesn't care what time it is because the man they found waited long enough.

"About 70 years." Steve says

'Tonsberg Norway, March 1942' appears on the screen. A man runs through the street and into a building. Another man walks down the stairs, they start speaking in Norwegian. Jan says that they have come for it.

The other man says that they have before.

Jan says that they haven't like they were now.

The man says that they'll never find it.

"What are they looking for?"

The building starts shaking. The wall with the door falls down, crushing Jan. A black car with a hydra hood ornament pulls up beside a tank.

Most people look at the symbol with a glare

A man steps out of the car. The tower keeper is now on the floor, surrounded by soldiers. Other soldiers are trying to open a large box. A Hydra officer tells him to open it quickly. Schmidt stands in the doorway, he starts walking over the rubble.

Steve and Bucky glare daggers at the man on the screen

Schmidt tells them that it took a while to find the place, he tells the soldiers to help the tower keeper up. He tells the tower keeper that he is a man of great vision and that they are alike in that respect.

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