09. Rich People Tend to be Stupid

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We got home pretty late that night. We were both so tired and stressed out that we didn’t have time to be hungry.

As soon as I got home, I went to take a shower to wash off all the sweet and sticky icing on my body. I also had to hand wash my dress.

I made sure to scrub my body thrice and even ended up washing my hair, which is something I hardly do.

The combination of my lavender shower gel and lukewarm water calmed my nerves and tense muscles. I reluctantly got out of the bath room with a white towel wrapped around my chest.

Without dressing up, I grabbed my book and started to write all the things that happened today. I made sure to add a little bit of fiction elements to make it more romantic.

Once I was done, I called Lani. “Hey. What’s up?” I said as soon as she picked up on the second ring.

“I thought you had lost my number.”

I laughed. “I see you’ve missed me.”

“You wish!” she scoffed. “I’ve been spending so much time on social media that I didn’t even notice you were gone.”

“I know that’s a lie. Besides, you’re always spending time on social media, so I know nothing has changed.”

I could imagine her rolling her eyes, “Maybe I did miss you. Just a tiny teeny little bit.”

“Oh, I know.” I smugly said.

I heard her scoff again, which made me laugh. “Have you found him?”

“No.” the tone of her voice dampened.

“You will. I just know it.”

“I hope so. If not, it will be a waste of time.”

I sighed. “How’s it going with that Andrew guy?”

“His name is Austin, Lei.”

“And my name is Lani.”

“But I call you whatever I want.”

“You want me to punch you through the phone?” she threatened.

Lani hates it when anyone calls her Lei. It was a nickname that only the guy she likes calls her. She doesn’t allow anyone else call her that.

“Sorry.” I laughed. “Things are going according to plan.”

“You sure?”


“And about your book?”

“I’ve already written about ten chapters.”

“And they are good?”

“They are. I’ll email them to you.”

“Alright then. And he isn’t falling?”

“He isn’t.” At least, I think he isn’t.

“That’s great then. I gotta go Kyra. I’ll call you soon.”

“Sure. Have a good night.”

She hummed and hung up. I wanted to tell her about our food fight but she seemed to be busy. Or maybe that guy is still bothering her.

I sighed and sent her an email of two chapters of the book. I finally stood up and changed into my unicorn onesie pyjamas and went downstairs.

“Hey. I thought you had slept. Cute pyjamas by the way.” Austin said. He was once again, sitting on the floor, watching the news.

“Thanks and no. I was on a call with Lani.”

“Did she ask of me?” he asked mischievously.

“No.” I nudged him with my elbow. “Quit trying to hit on her while we are still in this relationship.” I made air quotes with my finger when I said relationship.

“Why not? Does it make you jealous?”

“Yes.” I blurted out. “Besides, Lani already has someone.”

He chuckled but nodded. We stayed silent and continued to watch the business news.

It was talking about the biggest technology company in our small town; Smith’s Smart. Their CEO involved in gambling and lost a lot of money.

Investors were pulling out of the business and their stocks were rapidly dropping.

“That’s too bad.” I commented. “Don’t you think so?”

He shrugged, “I guess.”

“Come to think of it. Your last name is Smith. I wouldn’t be surprised if you are that CEO.” I smirked at him.

“Don’t be ridiculous. If I had such huge company. I wouldn’t ever make the mistake he did. Rich people tend to be stupid.”

I laughed at that. “I guess they do.”

“Your hair is wet.” He suddenly said.
I almost forgot about that. But then again, I wasn’t really the type to blow dry my hair.


“You might catch a cold.”

“I won’t die from a cold, you know?”

“You might! Stay here, I’ll go bring a hair dryer.”

He went to my room and soon came out with the appliance. He plugged it in and made me shift towards him.

He gently blow dried my hair on low heat and when it was completely dry, he began to massage my scalp.

I sighed and leaned into him, enjoying the pleasure I was getting from his massage.

“Don’t stop.” I whisper-moaned.

He hummed and continued to massage. It felt so good, that I didn’t even realise when I slept off.

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Word count: 801

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