15. Chase Me

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“A cheese burger with fries on the side.” I ordered and the waiter wrote it down. “Oh! And a bottle of coke.”

“I’ll take the same minus the fries.”

I gasped. “Don’t you like fries?”

He shook his head, scrolling through his phone. What kind of weirdo doesn’t like fries?

“This kind of weirdo.”

“Did I say that out loud?” I asked, letting out an awkward chuckle.

“Yeah.” He had a smirk playing on his lips.
I whispered a small sorry and stayed quite till our food was ready.

When the waiter brought our burgers. I immediately started eating because as I was literally starving. I was even shocked that despite how hungry I am; my stomach didn’t rumble. Today is probably my day.

We both ate our food in comfortable silence, stealing glances at each other. I was about to put the last fry in my mouth when he said, “You have a book, right?”

I scoffed, putting the fry back on the plate. “I have many books.”

“You have a published book, right?”

“Yeah. Just one.”

He nodded. “What’s it called?”

“Why do you want to know?” I asked, folding my arms.

“Just because. And also, it gives us something to talk about rather than just eating in silence.”

“I like eating in silence though. And besides, we’re done eating.”

“Correction, you’re done eating, I’m not.”

“That’s because you were so busy with your phone and didn’t focus on your food.”

“Well, I think it’s because you were so hungry that you gobbled down an entire burger in three minutes.” He took my last fry and threw it into his mouth, chewing it slowly.

“You’re annoying!”

“You love it.” He smirked.

When I refused to answer him and just glared at him instead, he said, “Fine. I’m sorry. Now, will you tell me?”

“It’s called Chase Me, ‘kay?”

He hummed, “That makes me want to ask a lot of other questions.”

“I’ll take only one question.”

“Explain it.”

“That isn’t a question.”

“But you’re going to do it, right?” he smirked.

I glared at him and started to explain it because as he said it was better than eating in silence. Even though I’m done with my food.

“It’s about a couple that were once engaged but broke off their engagement for certain reasons, I said.

“She meets him after three years and he suddenly regains interest in her, but whatever pain she felt when their engagement broke off was still lingering in her heart because she was unwilling to take him back, so he chases her.”

He didn’t say anything for some time, probably waiting for me to go on. When I didn’t, he asked, “Is that all?”

I nodded, using my finger to trace the ketchup in my plate before putting it in my mouth.

“What about the rest?”

I shrugged, “Buy the book if you want to know.”
I didn’t like talking about Chase Me. I hated that book and everything it reminded me of.

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