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~your pov~

"A-April?" I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. She stands up, turns to me, and stares. Then we both run to each other, trappin one another in a tight embrace. "Y-Y/n!" she managed to get out before sobbing into my shoulder. "I-I thought you were gone forever! I missed you so much!" She started laughing through her words, which, not gonna lie, started to freak me out. But I'm so glad she missed me as much as I missed her.

~Time skip~

After a while of talking and laughing with each other, it was back to normal again. And by normal, i mean before i moved away. But, all good things have to come to an end. We both had stuff to do in the morning, and it was already 2am. We both decided it would be best if we went to bed and talked to each other tomorrow.

~time skip to next dayyyy~

'Okay!' you thought. 'April will be here in an hour, so I need to look AMAZING.' you weren't sure why, but you wanted to make a good impression on NYC. April decided she was going to give you a tour of all of her favorite spots in the city, some good views, and take you to a surprise destination.

~April's pov~

'Man, I'm so excited!!!!' April skipped around her apartment, getting ready to take you all around the city. 'That surprise place is gonna be a blast! I really hope she likes Mystic Pizza...' I don't know why, but i feel like she has to see it. 'Maybe once she gets used to the yokai there, she'll be okay with the boys?' April shook her head. 'Whatever. I'm almost late.'

~Your pov~

*Knock knock* 'Ooh! That must be April!' you thought to yourself excitedly. You open the door and invite her in. "Hey girl!" April embraces you quickly. "Hey April! Where to first?" You ask eagerly. She laughs and takes your hand. "You'll see!"

~Time skip~

After going to all the best places in the city you're hungry and tired. "Hey, can we grab some food?" you ask, then, as if on cue, your stomach growls angrily. April laughed. "Already on it!" She leads you down an alleyway, and you realize where you're going. You slightly gasp. April looks at you, obviously confused. "Are you okay?" she asks, then puts her hand to your forehead. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" you giggle a bit. "My uncle owns this place!" you walk into the pizzeria, ans Hueso immediately spots you. "Retaco! I wasn't expecting you! Come to work already?" You laughed. "No, Tio Hueso, we're just stopping to get a bite." he then notices April behind me. "Ah. Okay. I'll have someone take you order in a few." he pats you head and smiles.

You and April find a booth and sit down. She still looks shocked. "So...." you start. "OMYGOSH,YOURUNCLEOWNSTHISPLACE?AREYOUAYOKAI?DOYOUKNOWWHATMUTANTSARE?!" She bombards me with questions. I burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, but could you slow down a tad? One question at a time." April nods, then takes a deep breath. "Are you a yokai?" I shake my head in response. "No, my parents had a really close relationship with some yokai, and Hueso was one of them." April looked relieved. She then started talking once more. "Do you... Know what mutants are...?" she looks at me hopefully. But i shake my head again. "No... Are they like yokai?" April nodded and began to explain what they are.

~Time skip~

"Wow. That's a lot to take in." April nodded. Yeah, i was surprised when i first heard of them, too." I thought for a moment, and then finally asked my last question. "So... Why did you ask if i knew what a mutant was?" April sighed, then looked at me. "Well, to be completely honest i wanted you to m-" she was cut off by a waiter. "Hello, may i take your order?" we both nodded and ordered. After the waiter left, she started talking again. "I wanted you to meet.... Some of my friends." I nodded. "Sure!" She looked shell shocked. "You're not afraid to meet them???? Even though they're mutants???" I laughed and said "No, you don't judge a book by its cover!"

We laughed and talked late into the night, untill it was time for Hueso to close up the shop. "Byeeee April! Cya tomorrow!" she waved and smiled. "Yeah, and don't forget, you gotta meet the boys!!!!" she left, so it was now just me and Hueso. "So.... Retaco.... Boys?" I looked at him, appalled. "Uh...." he laughed, and and patted my head. "Don't worry, I'm not mad. But if he treats you wrong, I'm bringing a crowbar." we both burst out laughing.


Hey, sorry my chapters are so short! I really hope you like the story! I know it hasn't gotten far, but it will soon, i promise! Thank you for reading thisssss!



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