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~Donnie's pov~

I hear a knock at my door. "Come in!" Leo walks in kind of sadly. I notice it's not his usual saunter, so he's upset.

"You uh, wanted to see me?" Leo scratches the back of his neck nervously, shifting from one foot to the other.

"I.... Yes." I stand up and pace back and forth. "Did you and Y/n really...." I look back at him.

He looks away sadly and crosses his arms. "...Yes. She likes you, Don." He looks back up at me with an almost angry look in his eyes. "And I swear if you break her heart..." He makes a menacing look. "You get the picture. Treat her like a queen, 'kay?" He starts to walk off.

"Wait! I wasn't finished!" I grab his arm desperately. "Does she really like me? I need to know!"

Leo looks at my desperate state and shakes his head in disgust. "You really like her back, huh. Well, yeah. She loves you. Said it herself." And with that, Leo turns and walks out, leaving me a mess.

~Your pov~

I walk out of Mikey's room, still sniffling a little. I bump into Leo on my way, and give him a little smile.

"Hey, Y/n. You doing okay?" Leo starts to bring me in for a hug, which I gratefully accept.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up. I guess I didn't realize you knew about.... Yeah. I'm still really sorry though, Leo..." I hug him tighter and he buries his face in my shoulder.

"Im glad we can still be besties." He mumbles something else that I didn't quite catch.

"Hey, Y/n, Mikey told me about you and Leo, I'm so sorry-" April walks around the corner and stops dead in her tracks. "Okay, what is this?" She waves her finger in our direction.

"Me and Y/n decided to just be besties." Leo interjects before I can. He ruffles my hair before walking up to April, giving her a hug, and walking away.

As soon as he left, April runs up to me and jumps on me. "Does this mean what I think it means? 'Cause if it does, then I might have to tell Donnie not to break your heart." She laughs almost maniacally.

I struggle to find any words to respond. "Wha- he likes me too?" I look at April dumbfounded, the news she just dropped on had such an impact, I felt like I was going to faint. I start to feel woozy, as if my head was floating, slowly inflating like a balloon.

"Whoa, Y/n, you good?!" April grabs my shoulders gently. She starts to wave her fingers in front of my face, asking how many she's holding up.

"April, I'm fine, just a slight headache." I nod wearily before faint.


"N! Y/n! Are you okay? Donnie! Help! She fainted!" I can hear April yelling to Donnie for assistance but end up falling asleep.

When I wake up, I'm staring at the ceiling, and a whole bunch of machines are hooked up to me. I turn my head and see Donnie, his back facing me, working on some little gadget.

"Ummm.... I'm awake now." I clear my throat, and it startles him. He turns around in his chair and stares at me for a moment.

"Oh, good, you're awake. I was starting to think you died." He starts to return to his natural sarcastic self, and I giggle. "What's so funny?" He looks at me, momentarily confused.

"Just... You." I smile before turning into a blushing mess and looking away. "I- I meant that in a good way- I didn't mean to be rude..." I start to stutter before eventually giving up.

I swear I could see Donnie blush a bit in the corner of my eye before he cleared his throat. "Uh- y- y/n?" Donnie scratches the back of his neck nervously  before twiddling his fingers and looking anywhere but at me.

"Yes?" I look at the purple clad  turtle hopefully.

"Um... So... LeoSaidThatYouLikeMeAndIWantToHearItFromYouFirstBecauseIReallyLikeYou!" He sighs at the end of his long sentence.

"I- Leo told you the truth, Donnie. I really  like you, too." I say it kind of quietly, and I thought he didn't hear me.

I feel a pair of soft lips on my cheek. It lasts a second, but it was definitely  a kiss.

I look over at Donnie and see that he's hiding his face in his hands. I pull his hands down gently before leaving a soft kiss on his lips.

I pull away and look at Donnie for a reaction. He's sitting on his rolly stool, jaw dropped, face flushed pink, staring into the abyss.

"D- Donnie?" I wave a hand in front of his face, and he startles.

"Uh- ahem. Yes. Uhm..." He rubs his face and blinks a few times. Just then, April and Mikey barge in.

"I knew it! You DID kiss!" Mikey shouts and points a finger at us.

"Were you SPYING on us?!?!" Donnie yells at them angrily. "April, I really expected better from you." He shakes his head and rambles on about how eavesdropping is bad.

I start to laugh. Very loudly, in fact. Everybody congregated to Donnie's lab, coming to watch the chaos. Splinter just stands there eating popcorn. (Where did he get popcorn?)  

I continue to laugh, and everyone stops to look at me. Even then, I'm still laughing. This feels like my home. I feel safe here.

"Uh.... Hey, Y/n?" Mikey hesitantly walks up to me. "Why are you laughing?" He looks into my eyes, trying to figure it out.

"You guys, this feels like... Home. Ya know? I feel so safe with you guys. You're my family." I smile warmly at the end of my sentence.

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