If you saw me...

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'Ignore it...'


'It'll go away..'


'Any minute now..'


My white and black eyes shot open as the electric stick poked into my tender flesh. I snarled softly as my skin turned black. The doctor outside my cage stuck his stick in again. I turned around and tried to bite him this time. He pulled back and screamed, looking into my glowing eye. I snarled again and turned away, laughing softly and facing the wall of my cage again. This was a terribly miserable experience. I wanted to be granted my freedom again. They took me from my home just to be locked up and treated like some animal. I felt tears forming in my eyes. I sniffled softly, curling my legs up to my chest.

"Subject please exit your cell and follow our personnel to the contained testing room."

A robotic but soft voice echoed through the lab I was in. My cage clicked and automatically opened, letting me out. 15 guards, 3 doctors, and 1 man in a suit stood around me.

"You.. you're different from the others. Aren't you?"

The man in the suit said.


"You are the closest thing to a human... what's your name?"

I stepped back into my cage and whined.

"Everyone calls me Charm.. but I'm Charmaine," I replied, tucking my tail.

"Charm, huh? Call me Mr. Slender. I'll be escorting you to your testing room. Is that okay?"

He asked, extending his pale hand to me. I hesitated but grabbed it, trying to put a pin where I had heard that name before.

"Yes, Mr. Slender..."

I replied softly. Then I noticed. That was the first time I'd smiled in YEARS. I missed smiling. It was a sign of happiness. But I saw people who smiled the wrong way. But I genuinely smiled. It felt... nice.

-mini time skip to the testing room-

!!!-Comense test one-!!!

I felt my body tense up as the speaker went off. The chains fell from my ankles. Across the room, there was a door. It slowly opened and let out a demon-like animal. He was hard to describe but he looked like he suffered through every war ever known.

 He was hard to describe but he looked like he suffered through every war ever known

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 All I knew was that he was angry and killed anything in sight. Thinking he could intimidate me before he ate me, he shrieked and scratched the metal floors. I snarled and copied his shriek, except it was a more ghostly sound. He wasn't fazed. He proceeded to walk toward me and snarl.

??? POV:

I had to admit, she was a stubborn one. And brave too. Brave enough to snarl back. Almost made me want to spare her. But I wanted to be alone right now. So I needed to get rid of her. I growled and dashed at full speed toward her, intending to spook her a bit. But as I got close, her body changed. It was a cute female one second... and a ravenous beast the next. (the picture below describes her)

I instantly regretted my choice to attack her

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I instantly regretted my choice to attack her. But at this point, it was too late to stop my attack on her.

Charm POV:

I jumped up and bit his throat, shaking him like a rag doll and throwing him across the cell.

"Think before you act, bastard."

I whispered with a snarl. He nodded and ran back to the safety of his cage. My body instantly shrunk back to its natural state as he disappeared from view. I felt my body shrink back down to its normal state and I rolled my shoulders, relieving them from their tense state. Looking up at the glass, I smirked and gave them a thumbs-up.

"Who's next?"

(very disturbing pictures ik but hey... it matches the image in my head for them)

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