...I'd have to kill you

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Mr. Slender POV:

It was remarkable! She was so swift with her movements and coordinated! She's been trained well since the last time I saw her. 

"Amazing..." I whisper as I lean closer to the glass that separated us.

 She stood in the middle of the room, looking utterly confused. 

"Yes, she... is a truly amazing subject... -sigh- Nonetheless, she's being replaced." 

A doctor said happily. I turned around quickly. 

"Beg your pardon?" 

I snapped, easily towering over the small doctors. 

"Yes. She is no longer useful to us. We can't get a sample of her rare blood type, AB- negative. As you know, few people have this but that doesn't make them impossible to locate. So we can simply... dispose of her." 

I almost blew my cover with how angry I was. They just killed their specimens? Just like that? And even worse! One of my children. If only they knew how important she was to me. I couldn't just let them kill her. Not without a fight...

Charmaine POV: 

I let out a long, irritated sigh, wondering what was taking so long for the guards and Mr. Slender to come back. I carved my name into the floor gently and smiled. 

"Anyone there?" 

I called out, standing and putting my hands on my hips.. No answer. 

"This is stupid... why am I here-"  

Loud static echoed through my head, causing me to shriek and cover my ears. 

"I'm sorry, my child. I want you to listen to me very closely, understood?" A familiar voice called. 

"...M-Mr. Slender?"

Then it hit me. Mr. Slender was Slenderman. 

"I'm dumb..."

I whispered, bringing both palms to my face and sighing.

"Listen to me child. In approximately 15 minutes, 4 men by the names of Masky, Hoodie, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless Jack will enter your room. They are going to escort you out and to safety. Trust my words, child, and be patient."

The static went away instantly and was followed by the lights in the room shutting off. I groaned and laid on the floor. 15 minutes? I could wait that long... 

I guess.

(once again- please tell me if there are any errors-)

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