...I might start to love you

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Charmaine POV:

I could see the light at the end of the hallway and had a feeling we were going to make it. But at the same time, I felt like I just jinxed our chances of escaping. About halfway there, several human guards ran into the doorway and ran toward us. Masky made a quick 360 and told everyone to fall back. And they did. But Ticci happened to notice that I didn't. I was still running toward them, clearly ignoring Masky.

"What is she doing.."

Eyeless muttered and Masky heard his words, causing him to stop. Hoodie and Ticci stopped a few moments after.


Masky yelled, running toward me. But I didn't listen. I knew what I was doing but I didn't have the time to explain. I had to protect them... and me.

Masky POV:

I ran as fast as my legs could carry in Charm's direction. There must be something wrong with her brain for her to run toward the armed guards with guns.


She didn't listen though. She continued to run but she was getting... shorter. And longer. What was she doing..?

Charm POV:

I could feel my body reshaping to, by far, one of my favorite forms.

"Freeze Subject and we won't shoot!"

A guard yelled. I laughed softly, which faded into a snarl then a growl.

Ticci POV:

Charm never ceased to amaze me. First, she flew. Then she was beautiful. Now she can shapeshift.

Charm POV:

Within seconds, I was the... alive version of what I turned into earlier.

The head guard called for a full stop of his troops and to retreat but he gave his command too late. I was already in front of them and tearing them to pieces.

-time skip to Slender Woods-

The four behind me didn't speak for the majority of our journey. They simply followed behind me (while I was in wolf form) and made sure to tell me which ways to turn.

(more povvvvvvv- but short)

Eyeless POV:

I had to admit, I was impressed. She just kept getting better by the second. I wondered if I could actually have an attraction to her. A female of all things! I found myself falling... for a female. (winkkkk) (conflicted Eyeless)

Ticci POV:

There were several times that I was tempted to catch up with her and talk but I feared Masky would tell me to stay put. I also didn't want to touch those jellyfish tentacle-looking things coming out of her eyes. I figured I'd wait until she was human to talk. There would always be enough time at the mansion though... (lovesick Toby)

Masky POV:

I couldn't believe how graceful she was. For an angry timebomb, she was practical, wise, and knew what she was doing. It reminded me of myself honestly; the way she thought. It was remarkable. The first opportunity I got to talk to her, I was going to take it. (self-centered Masky U,U)

Hoodie POV:

I stayed the closest to the girl because, as I said before, I didn't want to lose this one too. I didn't particularly know how I felt about her but I felt this sense of possession over her. I didn't want anyone to touch her, talk to her, look at her, or even THINK about her. I didn't know their intentions after all. They could plan to hurt her so it was up to me to keep her solitary and safe. (possessive Hoodie-)

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