If I saw you...

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??? POV:

I watched at Ticci and Hoodie took their chances to knock down the steel door. 

"You two are taking too long. Move."

I ran full force at the door and easily knocked it over, entering the dim room. Hoodie, Ticci, and Eyeless followed behind me, pulling out their weapons. I looked carefully around the room and stood up straight. 

"W-Wrong r-r-room, I guess.."

I sighed, put my gun away, and started to leave the room when an intimidating but soft voice broke the silence. 

"Who are you?"

I switched around and looked for the source. 

"My name is Masky. Slenderman sent me. There's Ticci Toby, Hoodie, and Eyeless..."

"Eyeless Jack."

Charmaine POV: 

"Those are the men. Show yourself and join them."

Slender told me. I nodded and uncloaked myself. Instead of showing a gentle female body with a halo, I was a black entity with stars through my body. 


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"Mr. Slender sent you, didn't he?"

The one called Masky nodded and walked over to me slowly. It scared me how close he got. I hadn't been close to another person without them hurting me in years. But he seemed gentle. 

"Come with us before the guards show up. Hurry."

Masky yelled, running out the room at full speed, the other 3 behind him. I didn't struggle to catch up though, due to my wings. As I got closer, my black skin peeled away and revealed my original body.

 As I got closer, my black skin peeled away and revealed my original body

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(just like the cover of the book)

oh yeah... pov time :) 

Hoodie POV:

Normally, I didn't care about who I captured on my missions. Nor rescued. But she was different. She had a fire about her. A flare that I noticed. The last member to have this kind of zeal died in my arms while under my protection. I couldn't lose this one too. Not again.

Ticci POV:

Somehow, the girl got in front of me and I saw her actual form. She was beautiful. She was a half and half, right side an angel and the left a devil. Her tail was long and grey with a point on the end and a halo right around it. Her wings, like her hair, were black (on the right) and white (on the left). Absolutely beautiful. I could barely run while watching her. She was so graceful for an inmate. Maybe I could talk to her later. Hopefully she wouldn't mind my tics.. She shouldn't. She, out of everyone, should understand what I'm going through.

Eyeless POV: 

I noticed Ticci falling behind. I was unsure why but I didn't need Slender getting angry with me because we lost Ticci in a inhuman capturing facility.

"Keep up, Tobias. We don't need you getting caught."

"Yeah, try and keep up! I don't need my savior getting killed. Well.. one of them."

I could feel my lip poke out a bit. Why did she give him all the credit... well... some of it. I had to admire her equality for us even though she barely knew us. I kind of... liked it. Her personality. It was the first time I found someone worthy of my attention. Especially a female. (wink wink ;} )

(tell me if I should add more 

Masky POV:

To my surprise, the girl was catching up to me. I was the fastest in my squad. How could some rando keep up with me? I had to commend her though. I haven't seen anyone this fast since school. And that was years ago. 

"Hey, lady!"

I called, glancing back.

"Whats up?"

I felt blood rush to my cheeks when she did. Her voice was so gentle. I could almost feel her skin touching mine (getting a little handsy there Masky... too deep in your imagination -._-.) with just those words.

"What's your name?"

"Charmaine. But please, keep it as Charm."

"Charm it is.."

"That's a lovely name." (Hoodie)

"Agreed." (Eyeless)

"I-It i-is a re-ally n-name.." (You already know)

For some reason, I didn't like when they complimented on her name. It made me want to stab them, make them take it back. It wasn't that important but it really made me upset. 

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