If I kissed you...

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It'd been approximately 2 weeks since the jailbreak and I... felt... wonderful. It almost felt like I had a home and a place among outcasts. I felt like I had a family again. One to replace the one I lost so long ago.

Current time:

A soft nudge began to wake me from my sleep. For a moment, I thought the last 2 weeks were a dream. I was being poked by another scientist. I was about to roll over and bite their hands. Before I did, a soft voice called my name.

"Hey! Wake up, Charm!"

Not now... of all times, Sally... I rolled over and opened my eyes, greeted by a bright-eyed Sally and her stuffed bear.

"Sally... it's 6 in the morning..."

I grumbled, managing to sit up. When my vision cleared and the sleep left my eyes, I turned on my side table lamp and realized Sally was crying.

"H-Hey.. what's wrong?"

I asked, pulling her onto the bed with me.

"Papa Slender is gone... I didn't see him in his room or in his office... I can't find him anywhere!"

She cried, burying her face in my chest. I was hesitant to hug her back. Even though I felt like I had a family here, I never hugged anyone. I've seen couples in the lab hug and kiss. But I never experienced that. I guessed I should hug her to calm her down.

"It's... alright Sally... Your papa is one of the strongest men I know. He'll be back for you. I'm sure he's just on a mission or... maybe went on a walk?"

I said softly, trying to reassure her. I was sure it didn't help until she chuckled softly.

"You're right... He will be back for me... Like -yawn- always.."

I felt her body melt into my chest and fall asleep slowly with each breath. I smiled softly and laid her next to me, pulling the blanket over her shoulder. Little did I know, Slender was outside my door and watched as I lulled Sally to sleep. It was surprising how gentle I was with a child, especially knowing my background.


Slender called softly. Toby emerged from his room and stood tall next to Slender.

"Y-Yes, sir?"

"I want you to get to know our new guest. She hasn't been all that honest with us."

"Y-Yes, sir."

Toby POV:

Of ALL THE PEOPLE HE ASKED, he chose me. Why me?? Was it because I was next door? I wanted to talk to her freely. Now I HAVE to talk to her and get information. This made my job harder.. mainly because I had feelings for her. How was I going to casually speak to someone I was in love with-?

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