ch 5

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Robin Arellano 

I walk over to Finn's house when I bump into a very familiar person. Bruce Yamada. 

"Robin?" he says, clueless.

"Hey, Bruce. Where you heading?" I ask plainly. Bruce smiles, "Finney's house. How about you?"
I scrunch up my nose, "Me too?!" 

Bruce raises an eyebrow, "Lemme guess, a sleepover?" 

I nod. "You too?" He nods as well. "Alright then, lets walk together." We both keep walking until we reach his house. We both try to knock on the door but end up hitting each other's hands. 

I glare at him and he backs away nervously. 

A few seconds later, someone opens the door. Gwen.

She looks at both of us and narrows her eyes. "Bruce? I thought Finney only invited Robin."

Bruce laughs, "Finney did invite me at the last second."

Gwen smirked, "ok... come in!" For some reason, me and Bruce have trouble getting inside.  I want to go in first. 

Gwen rubbed her eyes and groaned, "Are we gonna keep standing out here cause I will shut the door."

We both smile nervously, and I reluctantly let Bruce in first.

"Hey Finney!" I hear Bruce say. I walk inside. "So Robin..." Gwen starts but I ignore her and run after Finn.

I see Bruce and Finn laughing in the living room. It pisses me off. 

"Robin?" Gwen says behind me. "Not now, Gwen." 
I put on a fake smile, "Hey Finn! Why don't you show us your room?"

Bruce glares at me while Finn claps his hands, "Oh! That's a good idea! Follow me upstairs."

I smirk at Bruce as we both followed behind him.

Gwen Blake

I have this suspicious feeling.  A feeling that both Bruce and Robin have feelings for Finney. 

Finney opens the door and lets the boys in. As I put my foot inside the room, Finney stops, "Sorry Gwen. This is my sleepover. Why don't you call Amy or Donna?" 

I grit my teeth, " That's BECAUSE Amy went on a business trip with her mom and DONNA has to go to a wedding."

Finn looked around nervously, "Um... can't you do something else?"

I sigh angrily, " Fine. But just so you know, I wanted you to invite Robin because I WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH HIM! But I guess he's more interested in you." I murmur.

Finney looked shocked, "Wait Gwen-"

I shake my head and walk away, " Its ok Finn. I get it."

Bruce Yamada 

I sit on the bed as Robin watches me.

"Whats so good about you anyways?" I sneer. Robin raises his head. "What the hell did you say to me?" 

"What i'm saying is why would Finney want to hang out with a person LIKE YOU?"

Robin took a step forward when Finn came back, "Ok, who's ready to start?"

I smile big, "We are."

Robin Arellano

I officially hate the Bruce Yamada. Finn was too busy talking about all the movies he wanted to see to Bruce.

"I've finally seen the Texas Chain Massacre thanks to Robin!" Finn said cheerfully.

I smile smugly as Bruce raises an eyebrow, "You both saw the movie TOGETHER?"

I nod proudly, "Yes."
Finn looks at both of us, "It's fine. We can watch it again with Bruce!"

I stop him, No. It was our special time. We're not just gonna rewrite it with some asian guy we barely know."

Finn glared at me, "Hey! He's my friend."

Bruce put an arm over Finn, "It's okay, Finney. Robin here is just upset cause he has no date to prom and got jealous when he saw us together."

I froze, "Wait, you two are going to prom together?"

Finn smiles a bit, "Yea..."

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