My Bully Ch.18

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If you dont know by now that I'm a veryyy slow updater and every chapter write I say I dont think I need to explain myself this time right....ok lets begin ツ

Instagram: officialmjjkingdom


Chapter 18


This is beautiful. This drawing is incredible. Wow...I never saw something so......detailed yet none realistic. Like he wanted to make it look like an actual picture but also make as if he still drew it.....and its amazing. I saw plenty of drawings but this is breathtaking, and its a pencil drawing on a plain white copy paper. How can he fit all that in this paper.

Jesus Christmas

How can someone be so taleted.

Its a drawing of me.

Its a drawing of me at the park. The same picture he showed me in his phone, I was sitting at the bench looking into the distance smiling while wind blew through my hair with my hand also in my hair. He told me he draw and I think he told me he draw pictures of me and it totally slipped my mind. I didn't know he was this skilled.
Not one detail out of place. My hair blowing the same exact way it was on the picture. This is did he do this? Its so professional looking. Wow I cant even process it.....when he said he draw it never crossed my mind that it would look like this. I guess I was so angry at him that I really didn't care how it look...I didnt even care to ask. But could you blame me? But now that I saw this its like I wanna see all his drawings but of course I wouln't tell him that...I dont want him to get any idea's.

As I looked at it I noticed the clouds look like hearts and it had heart shape butterflies around me. There were ducks there too but he turned them into two swans. They wrapped they necks together and formed a heart as they were in love. Their were a lot of hearts, even the leaves on the tree's were tiny hearts. I loved them..I draw hearts on my school work all the time. He must of knew I loved them. How would he know that tho? He sits behind me.

Well know he has stalkish tendencies. Of course he watches you doodle.

Everything about this drawing is amazing, everything looks soooo good. He made me look better on here then I do in real life. Teeny tiny waist yet nice hips and average size breast, you cant really see my butt tho because I'm sitting down. I dont look like this..well I dont think I look like this thats not how I see myself.....unless I look like this in Michael's eyes. My eyes are so big, my hair looks so full, my smile look so pretty...everything looks good. I wish I looked like that for real. But it still looks exactly like me, he put every detail in the right spot, from the part in my hair to the slight curl in each individual eyelash. Even the dipples on my cheeks were there.

This drawing is literal perfection.

I slowly walked to the couch and sat down looking at it.

I cant take my eyes off it. So much detail..even the grass looks good. How can someone be so great at this, it looks like it took hell of a long time it would've took me weeks to do this and still wouldn't look half as good as this. I wonder what else he draw I bet their complete work of art that should be in a galary.

This drawing is almost......too good.

Too romantic.

Like I said before..there's a lot of hearts. This drawing looks beautiful in a way I guy would give this to his girlfriend.

My Bully (Mj fantasy) bad eraWhere stories live. Discover now