My Bully Ch.8

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This just a fill in chapter guys so it will be really short..i have writers block right now so its kinda hard for me but ill give u this to be fair


Chapter 8

I slowly walked away knowing he's watching me burning a hole through me..I really just wanna run as fast as I can but that will make me look...dumb I guess. I would look back to see if he's following me but I already knew he wasn't because I can't heat any foot steps.

(Sigh) I don't know whats going on I'm so confused to the point that I just wanna cry..this is scaring me. what is Michael doing? What made him feel this way? I'm so confused I can't even think straight.

I can't even describe what I'm feeling tears are literally running down my face I wanna scream. Things are getting even more complicated then they were before I-l can't focus I need to get my shit together.

When I was about to cross the street someone bumped intro me.

"Oh I'm so sor-" I cut myself off looking into the eyes of someone from my school. shit.

When I said no one likes me I mean NO one likes me. Michael was always my bully no one tortured me like he did but that don't mean no one talked shit to me.

But out of all people why her?


she's the most beautiful girl anyone has ever seen..



blond hair

blue eyes

Ya know the typical popular chick, she talk the most shit to me other then Michael.

"well well welllll look what we got here" she said giving a evil smirk. Oh fuck...omggg really?  I skipped school for a reason... so I wont have to worry about anything so I could be free but I don't think that's possible is it?

"um sorry" I said softly trying to pass by.

"what you rushing off to Johnson?" she said pulling my arm hard and pulling me back. 

"Did I say you can fucking leave"

"I-Im just trying to get home" I said nervously. Why God why keep punishing me?

"Hmm home? Why miss goody goody two shoes not skipping school are ya?" She said stepping up to my face.

"I-I have to go" I said attempting to get past but that was a fail. She grabbed my arm again but even tighter I wrenched in pain..that's the same arm that Michael bruised a few days ago.

"Aww did that hurt?" she asked with the obvious fake pitty. My eyes were watered the pain in my arm was unbearable.

"How bout this" she say grabbing my arm and twisting it..pain shot through me like a  bullet..I whimpered in pain.

"Oww please stop" I said while a tear sliding down my face.

"aww poor baby gonna cry" she said then out of no where she slapped me hard in my face. I hit the ground while holding my stinging cheek looking at scared and surprised.

"hahaha you're a weak bitch that's why your a loser and your the most ugliest bitch in school no one likes you, you can fucking die bitch" she said and kicked me hard in the stomach. She doesnt kick hard like Michael but that still hurts.

My Bully (Mj fantasy) bad eraWhere stories live. Discover now