I turn to face Sophia, "I-I don't know what to say....this is my fault" he looked at the small boy clutching to Sophia's skirt trying his best to hold in the obvious sorrow that had consumed the Child's heart. I can't help but think how like martin he looked and acted in this moment. Drying his eyes on the back of his hands reeling from the pain in his own heart he looked down at the boy and gave the best smile he could. "Are you ready to go get daddy back?" he smiles in reply and grabs Chris's hand. The boys eyes fall to the floor "c-can I go with you to get daddy?" He looks up into Sophia's reddening green eyes and replied "you can if Miss Sophia comes with us, I won't be able to watch you on my own." Orion looks longingly into Sophia's eyes and she smiles down at him "Of course I'll go with you to get him." She says as she heads out the room to grab a coat for herself and the boy. Chris sits there thinking staring down at the child squeezing his hand "2 ½ hours... ill have you back in my arms just hold out a little longer Martin."
Blinking back tears praying for this nightmare to finally end I sit chair silently as I wait for Chester to finish harassing the people I call family. He hangs up the phone and walks toward me grabbing my face, "he's finally coming for you aren't you happy?" I stare down doing my best trying avoid his eyes "I see you that you still don't think he is coming for you, well think of it this way", he says with a sly grin caressing his lips "either he comes for you or we kill you, so either way you won't have to "live" with his rejection." He chuckles as he slaps my face. Mark and Chester left the room leaving me alone n the dimly lit room with Andre. I stare at the ground feeling the tears that had been stinging my eyes decide to fall streaking my pale cheeks. He crouches in front of me pulling out a small soft cloth from his pocket and wipes it under my eyes.
"Martin he's coming for you should be happy, you get to leave", he said as he smiled as gently as he could.
I try to look him in the eyes trying to hide my pain, "I hope he doesn't...I've caused him nothing but trouble, before Chester took me he looked me in the eyes with such hate and hurt in his... I feel if he does come it will only be to save face with those who live in his home."
"you can't really believe that can you" he looked me fully in the eyes now "the hurt in his voice should tell you he desperately wants you back."
"Andre why are you still with, Chester is this the life you want...kidnapping the objects of his twisted affection" I grab his hand lovingly "this doesn't seem right you have been very kind to me at least when no one is watching so why...why do you stay?"
He rakes his fingers through his long black hair "the day I leave him is the day I die Martin, he would see it as an act of betrayal which would start a fight I have no way of winning..."
Confusion etching my features " but the two of you always seemed equal in power at times you even seemed to out shine him how could you lose?"
Taking in a deep breath and letting out a deep heaving sigh "Martin I'm a half demon if I challenge him an he goes full demon form my strength will be nothing compared to his... and my death will not be painless to say the least...."

Demon Love
Romanceyoung Martin all alone in the world no where to go, is taken in by chris an then the real fun begins