Chapter Nine

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I heard yelling coming from the room I was in but I had no idea who is was coming from. My vision was all wonky and blurry, I couldn't focus on anything.

"H-Hello?" I called out, "Shit she's awake" I heard someone call, it sounded like the masked man. I tried to rub my eyes but pain suddenly flew up my left arm. With all of the things going on my eyes finally focused in.

"Don't move your arm idiot," the masked man called from across the room.

"Can't you do something? Like is there a first aid kit, I can sow it up myself if I need to," I called back.

The ran his fingers through his hair, "No you can't, you were cut by the Rake, and you're a human," He seemed so nervous, he was looking out the window constantly and continually messed with his hair. "And I don't know how to deal with the radiation, it's deadly to you, I'm waiting on someone that can actually help you,"

"Oh, how sweet of you," I said sarcastically, I went to say something else but suddenly my arm started burning, but this time I couldn't just grit my teeth, It was unbearable.

I held my arm in my other hand as tears started to form, I'd say I have a decent pain tolerance but this was on another level of pain. The slash on my arm was all dried and crusted, with dark green splotches dotted around the wound, the green stuff had turned my veins in the crook of my arm green.

The pain was coming in waves, one after another, each feeling worse than the other. I felt bile rise in my throat, I ran over to the trash can and threw up acid, I didn't have anything else to throw up from my last time.

"Jesus, where is he?" The masked man boomed and there was a crash following it, "Shit, here," he walked towards me and held my hair out of my face.

My body was shaking from both pain and how weak I was becoming. I was struggling to breath between my coughs and the short gasps I could manage.

Suddenly a door slammed opened, "I got him," said Hoodie, "About fucking ti-"

He was cut off by the new man in a blue mask, "Bring them to the table, quickly," he said.

The masked man lifted me up and took me to the table, I winced at the sudden coldness of the metal. I felt cold hands on my left arm, I tried pulling away, he was hurting it, "Don't pull away, I'm trying to get a look at it," said the new man in a calm voice.

Tears started coming now, "Can you make it stop," My voice cracked as I tried to keep my composure. This hurt like hell, it was like liquidized fire had been injected into my veins.

"I'm going to try," replied the man, he started digging into his bag of supplies. He motioned to masked man and Hoodie, "Hold them down,"

"What?" I asked softly, not having the energy to yell, the masked man's hands suddenly clamped down on my right arm and my left shoulder, and Hoodie grabbed my legs.

He pulled out a shot with a strange blue liquid in it. He looked at me and said "Just breathe, alright," then right into the middle of the gash he stuck the needle and inserted the liquid.

When I said that the cut was the worst pain I'd ever felt I lied, when the strange liquid was put into my arm, I screamed, I cried but it didn't stop him.

I couldn't even focus on what he was doing with all of the black and red spots clouding my vision. I pleaded for them to let me go and stop but the strong arms that held me down didn't budge.

"Stop moving your left arm," said the cold voice. He must have not seemed to notice the amount of pain I was in. I only cried as a response, my breaths were short and shallow with all of the crying I was doing.

He dug into my arm one last time before saying "We're done, they should be ok now,"

Masky's POV

"Should be?" I asked, "What do you mean by that,"

"I mean that I couldn't get all of the radiation out, it had already spread to other parts of their body," He said, packing up all of his tools into his bag.

"Does that mean there gonna die?" I didn't understand why he couldn't just get to the point, it was aggravating.

"No, but they're definitely gonna have a pretty bad scar from that cut, make sure you keep it clean. And for for the radiation I wouldn't be surprised if they suddenly fall ill, I wouldn't expect it to last that long tho, it be like a couple of hours, like virus level you could say,"

"So they'll just get sick every once in a while," I asked, Ok maybe this won't be so bad then.

He didn't reply to this, he looked down and thought for a second, "I'm not sure,"

"What do you mean, your not sure," I asked I clenched my fists,
"I thought you knew how to take care of this,"

"I do, but we've always caught the radiation in time, besides, they're a human, I don't know how it will affect them, you'll just have to wait it out," He said, "I'll stay close by, I'm curious myself as to what is going to happen,"

I didn't say anything, I looked down and tried to level my breathing, I didn't need to start a fight right now, it wasn't the best time. "So, what exactly do I need to do," I asked with my teeth gritted.

"Just keep an eye on them, I'll be close by here, and I'll stop in every once in a while to check on them," He replied and held the door open, waiting for my response.

"Ok," I replied, I was not a happy camper right now, the one guy that we had as a doctor didn't even know how this shit worked.

EJ responded with a nod and left the house. I turned back to the person on the table, they looked sickly pale and it seemed like they were barely even here.

"Hey" I tapped their shoulder "C'mon let's get you to the couch in there," I put my hand on their back and helped them up. "Do you want me to carry you," I asked, I've had one of those shots before and I would have loved to be toted to my room after having it.

"No, I'm fine," their voice was barely above a whisper. They're not gonna make it there by themself.

I helped pull them up and stayed right beside them as they got off the table, they gasped and gripped my hand to steady themself. Knew it, I knew they're trying to look fine but it's terribly obvious how weak they are.

They clung to my shoulder all the way to the couch, the only time they loosened their grip is when they sat down on the couch.

I stood beside them and looked slightly above them to seem like I was staring at the window but really I was looking at them. Thank god I have a mask on, it comes in handy with these things.

They cleared their throat, "Are you even gonna tell me your name," They deadpanned.

Shit, you idiot.

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