Chapter Twenty Six

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Masky took a seat across from me with a loud thunk. My eyes stayed on my steaming cup of coffee, he whispered something but I didn't quite get it.

"What did you say," I asked, I kept my eyes on the steam, he whispered it again.

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked up at him, "I can't hear you,"

He snapped out of a trance and looked at me, "I didn't say anything," He said in a confused tone.

"Um, yes you did, I heard you," He whispered something again, he did it so secretly not even his mask moved. "See!? You just did it again!"

"No I didn't, what are you talking about?"

"Masky stop fucking with me, its not funny Im not laughing!" I shouted, I wasn't in the mood for his little games right now.

He stood up from his chair, "I'm not? What are you even talking about!?" He was starting to get defensive about it.

I stood up just like he did, "You know what I'm talking about, stop acting like I'm some psychotic bitch!"

"You know I hate to break the news to you but you are some psychotic bitch! You know that just as well as I do!"

Tears pricked at my eyes from his words, he was right, I was psychotic. The whispering began again but this time it was from all around me. It made my head feel like it was gonna split into two. I looked around me but there wasn't anyone, just empty space.

I covered my ears to try to quiet the loud whispers but it wouldn't, with every shaky breath I inhaled it only increased in intensity.

"Stop stop stop," I whimpered out to the invisible force that was causing this to happen.

"I'm not even doing anything," Masky said in confusion, I took a glance over there to see what he was doing now. He was getting out of the chair, maybe it was starting to hit him that I wasn't even talking to him, hell I didn't even know who I was talking to

I tried to keep my breathing steady, hoping it would calm me down to some degree. But the fact that my head was starting to spin didn't give me any hope for the tactic. I just wanted everything to stop for a second, just let me catch my damn breath or something.

"Hey, hey, let's sit you down," Masky said gently while guiding me back into the chair.

Masky's POV

God it was all happening again and I still had no idea how to comfort them. Their eyes were squeezed shut from whatever the hell was going inside their brain. That and their hands were closed over their ears as well.

The whispering they were talking about... was that what was causing all this? It had to be, maybe that's why they thought I was speaking, it was another one of the episodes. I focused back on them, I just needed to snap them out of it, but how. I had never been the nurturing type, the word nurturing in general was something I wasn't ever familiar with. Dealing with shit like Slenderman was the complete opposite of caring, but that didn't matter, I reminded myself. I had to be better for them, otherwise they wouldn't make it out alive.

I placed my hand on their back. I had seen it in a movie once, the man had put his hand on a girl's back and made circles, it made her stop crying so maybe it would work for them as well.

I started the circular motion, "It's ok, just focus on my voice," I said in a tight voice, just relax I told myself. No ones gonna kill you for speaking so softly at another being. "Just keep breathing, it will all pass I promise,"

I felt them shift under my hand, they were slowly bringing their hands down from their ears. Thank god, I had done something right emotionally. The tight rigid position they were once in was now melting into a more natural one. Eyes finally opened,they slowly started looking around the room but paused for a second before they landed on me and stayed there.

Their eyes were honestly one of the most captivating things about them. It was like little holes that bore right into their soul, it gave hints to any emotion they were feeling at the time. Right now they were as wide as saucers with fear of whatever nightmare they had endured this time.

There was no sound in the room, not until a little speak emitted from them. Their eyes scrunched together and fell into their hands, a light sob started to over take them. Without a singular thought I brought them into a hug, I wrapped my hand around their head and clutched them closely into my body. I hoped that it would bring them some type of comfort.

"Masky..." They pleaded, breathless, "I don't know what to do anymore,"

I clutched them a little harder, "I'm not sure precisely either," I admitted "but I do have an idea as to how to fix all this. And I know it'll be a rough road to get there but with some hope and determination from the both of us, I know we can do it,"

Their sobs dropped a little, "You think so?"

"I know so," I said confidently

I let one of my hands slip from their back and hold the side of their face. The mesmerizing eyes I loved oh so dearly looked up at me and in that moment I knew what I had to do. I was going to find a way to fix this, I didn't care how far out of my comfort zone I had to be pushed to achieve it. I would, I would.

I let my hand slide down to their chin, I gingerly tilted their head up at me to make sure they were focused on what I was about to say.

"I'm going to fix this, but things will get worse before they can get better," They gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, "I promise you, from the depth of my heart, my soul, I'll get us both out of this shit,"

With that tiny little statement, I had officially devoted myself to helping them. I'm not sure why or how I could go from killing people daily with no remorse to falling on my knees for someone just as broken as I was. But I did, and god dammit I wasn't going to let anything or anyone stop me from achieving my goal.

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