Chapter Twelve

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When I opened my eyes I was laying against a patch of soft grass. I sat up straight and tried to organize my thoughts as to why I was here and where even was here. I brushed a bit of hair out of my face and looked around at this mysterious place.

It was a huge field of grass, flowers and little buzzing bees, it looked like it was ripped straight out of a kids book. The flowers were in vibrant eye-catching shades of red, purple and yellow. The grass and flowers all swayed with the soft wind that blew from somewhere far away. I let out a little sigh at this beautiful view that had been gifted to me. It was just so nice compared to the dull cage I was in just a little while ago. This just felt so free compared to what I had become accustomed to.

It had just struck me how long I had been staring at the view when I heard a little rustle come from somewhere to my right. I turned my head and saw a little bunny rabbit, it was completely white and stood out painfully compared to its green surroundings.

"Hey there," I said in a soft voice, I didn't want to scare it away. I reached my hand out to it but it jumped away from me. "Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you," I spoke again.

This time it hopped away farther but it stayed in my sight, I stood up and walked towards it in hopes that it would let me pet it. Snuggling with a bunny would definitely be something I would love to do right about now. As I edged closer to it it once again hopped away, this brought a little frown to my face.

I stood there for a second debating if I wanted to continue to chase the rabbit, I looked back at the path I had come from. My eyes widened just a little bit due to the fact of how far we had already come. I'll just go a bit farther, it couldn't hurt, right?

I turned back to the rabbit, it stared at me intently, I just now noticed its blood red eyes. My eyebrows knitted together at this but I relaxed when it hopped away once again. I gleefully followed the rabbit in our little game of follow the leader. After a little while of this I had grown a bit tired, my feet were starting to ache.

"Sorry Mr Rabbit but I think I'm going to head back now," I said to the rabbit, a little silly yes but it was nice to talk to someone that wasn't trying to kill me.

As I turned around to walk back a gasp escaped from me, the path I had come down was now nothing but dead grass and trees. A chill ran up my spine at the sight of the barren landscape. My hands flew up to my sides and hugged my chest in fear.

As I stared at the dead plants I heard the little thumps of the rabbit hopping behind me. I turned back around and looked at it, in response to this it inches closer and closer to me. I bent down to pet it, "Are you scared to?" I asked.

Now that I had a close view of the rabbit I became acutely aware of the glazed over eyes and sickly green foam it had coming out of its mouth. Just as I was about to retract my hand it pounced on my hand and bit it. I screamed and fell over in shock. It pounced on my leg and started to rip open my flesh.

"Stop, Stop!" I yelled at it as its teeth dug deeper in my skin. Tears started streaming down my face as I kicked and screamed.

I hit it with my fists over and over but it wouldn't stop biting my leg, by now my leg was covered in blood and bite marks. Panic was flooding through my veins at the thought that its disease was probably going to kill me. I threw my head around to see if I could find something to hit the rabbit with, my eyes landed on a sharp rock. I reached for it and clutched its cold surface tightly, I lifted it up and bashed it in the head of the rabbit.

It let out a quick squeal of pain as it skidded to the side, I let out a deep breath of relief. I placed the rock down once again and held my face in my hands for a second. I heard a little russell, I wiped my head back up and caught a flash of white race across my vision as I felt teeth sink into the side of my cheek.

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