Chapter Twenty Five

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Patters of rain hitting against the window woke me from the deep sleep I was in. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked around at my surroundings. As my vision started to adjust I immediately became aware that the house was engulfed in darkness. Panic started to flood into my veins, I couldn't stand the fact that I couldn't make anything out clearly.

It must have been some time early in the morning because I could make out just a slight dark blue appear in the distance. But it was nowhere near enough light to do anything. I grabbed my necklace and started twirling it, calm down, there's nothing here with you, I tried convincing myself.

"Hey," I heard a voice whisper from somewhere in the room.

My breath hitched, oh no, a sinking feeling crept into my stomach.

"Masky?" I breathed out, fear tightening my voice.

Not a second after I spoke a maniacal laugh followed, it was broken and dry sounding, as if its vocal cords hadn't been used for years. This wasn't Masky, not by any means, this was something much more nightmarish.

"Get away from me!" I yelled at whoever it was.

Instead of just one voice now there were hundreds, thousands even. They were all jumbled and morphed into each other, all screaming different things. They swirled around me, flooding my ear drums with painful cries and pleads.

I clutched my ears in an attempt to drown out the painful screeches that tore at my ears. My breathing was ragged, with every gasping breath I took the dizziness only continued to worsen.

I heard what sounded like faint footsteps in the ocean of voices

"Leave me alone!" I screeched at the oncoming monster.

I tried to scramble off of the couch but the darkness hindered my vision causing me to fall and slam my head into the table that was near the coach. Hot, burning pain reverberated inside my head and only worsened the screaming voices.

I tried to regain my standings and drag myself away from whatever the hell the darkness was concealing. Loud thunderous steps echoed from somewhere in the room, shit it's coming.

Without warning a strong hand gripped my arm, "Let go!" I yelped. I squirmed and clawed at whatever was latched onto me.

Tears were now pricking at my eyes, the voices had morphed into one coherent line, all in different pitches and tones, but still crystal clear, "It wants you" they muttered.

For half a second I went limp. Ice had filled my body, no, no no no, not like this! I screamed and cried, I thrashed and clawed the figure that held an iron grip on me. "Please!" I shrieked, "Please let me go!"

Suddenly a flash of light blinded my vision, white spots dotted my eyesight as I tried to comprehend what was going on. The screaming voices had now died down, what now replaced it was a deep muffled voice. I squinted my eyes in an attempt to figure out what was happening around me.

The blurriness of my vision slowly returned to normal, and I could finally make out the outline of a very familiar mask, "Masky?" I whispered out, my voice of now horse from all of the strain I had put it under. I relaxed and stopped all of the writhing I had been doing.

I could make out a very muffled "Hey" from the man. A warm hand had been placed on my back and I melted into it. I reached out to him and gripped onto his yellow jacket the familiar scent of forest and a slight metallic filled my lungs.

"Oh Masky," I breathed out, I tried to keep myself composed but all I did was start hiccuping, my eyes filled with water before I could even stop it.

"Hey, it's ok now, I'm here" He said in a soft, comforting voice, something I had never quite heard before. Sobs began to rack my body as I laid there on the cold wooden floor with Masy holding me.

"Sh, Its all ok now, I promise,"

After a couple of minutes of me sobbing my eyes out I finally began to regain myself and calmed down.

I loosed my grip from his jacket and rubbed my aching eyes.

"Man, I'm tired of this," I said with a little more life in me than before.

He let out a little chuckle, "I'd imagine so, how about we make some coffee for the both of us,"

I nodded my head in agreement, "That sounds nice,"

"Cmon then," He stood up and outstretched his hand towards me, I took it and he lifted me up.

"Woah" I exclaimed, he pulled me up a lot faster and stronger than I had thought he would have. I trailed behind him as he guided me into the dark kitchen, I gave off a little shudder, the dark wasn't something I was very fond of.

He flicked the lights on and everything settled down into the warm tones I was used to. When I first got here I thought that everything was so cold and dreary, but now it just feels almost like home in a sense. I snapped out of my thought when I noticed Masy was looking at me, "You can sit down ya know,"

"Yea yea..." I trailed off as I took a seat onto one of the worn wooden chairs. I took a glance out of the window, it was the middle of the night. I looked away quickly in fear, thinking about what resided outside of this house wouldn't make me feel better at all. So I just began to pick at my bandages.

A couple of minutes passed before a cup of steaming coffee was put in front of me. A gave a mumbly thank you before I took a cautious sip of the hot liquid. The warmth spread across my body. It was such a nice feeling from all of the icey cold I had been facing.

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