Chapter Twenty Seven

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Your POV

The sun was starting to sink into the horizon with how late it was becoming. After the heavy talk me and Masky had we mostly just walked around and admired the snow. Now that the snow storm had finally calmed down we could actually get outside the house and look around. The snow was the most purest white I had ever seen, it sat untouched since it had fallen originally. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest once we stepped outside. The openness of the wilderness was much better than being in the confines of the small house.

Masky had seemed to enjoy it as well, by the end of our little stroll his voice went from being tight and strained to alive and even happy. I was honestly starting to get a lot more comfortable around him, we both were. I think we've both come to terms with each other's problems and realized that we just have to go with it no matter what happens.

And of course we both had tons to work on, I mean just look at what happened just a little while ago. But with us now both trying to do better I think less instances like that will happen from now on.

"You know I don't think we've changed your bandages for your arm in a while, you wanna go get that done?" Masky asked

"Oh yea, we haven't. But sure," I responded

"Alright then c'mon let's go get your arm fixed up,"

We both walked back towards the house, once I walked through the doors a wave of warmth washed over me. Although it was nice to get some fresh air my fingertips were starting to go numb from the biting cold.

"Go ahead and sit down while I'll get the stuff ready," Masky said as he dug through the cabinets

I plopped down in one of the wooden seats and started to carefully peel off the bandages that were wrapped around my arm. I gave a slight wince as I removed the last of the gauze and looked at the gruesome wound. Even after all this time it had to heal it still looked just as grotesque as I remembered.

"Damn, that still looks horrible," Masky said in a tight voice

I gave a nod in agreement, "You would think after all this time it would as lest look a little better,"

"Yea, but maybe it'll take a turn for the better since everything else seems to," He said with a tinge of hope.

"I really hope so," I said with a sigh.

"Alright, now it's time to actually fix your bandages,"

He started out with dressing and slowly started to wrap the gauze around it. Thankfully, it didn't hurt with how delicate and precise he was being with it. Sometimes he still surprised me with things like this, it only felt like yesterday when we were at each other's throats. Filled with screaming, yelling and everything else in between, but it was nice now. We've both found some sort of understanding of each other.

"Alright, you're all done," Masky said.

I picked up my arm and moved it a little bit, "Thank you,"

Masky stopped, only momentarily tho, I honestly wouldn't have even noticed it if I wasn't paying attention to him. "Of course," he said

I took a quick glance outside the window and saw little flurries of snow falling, it wasn't like the raging snow storms that had come through recently. It was just delicate little snowflakes slowly falling down.

"Hey," I started, "Do you wanna go outside and watch the snow fall?"

He looked out the window for a second, a little laugh escaped from his lips, "Yea, sure,"

I got up and grabbed my thick jacket that I had taken off earlier and slid in on. Masky opened the door with a slow creak and we both stepped back outside.

It was a nice peaceful feeling standing there, just breathing in the lightness of it all. The weather seemed so calm compared to all the relentless hell that had been beating us half to death. I stepped off the porch and into the thick coating of snow onto the ground.

Once I was a couple of feet away from the house I simply sat down, wanting nothing more than to admire the pretty view that was unfolding in front of me. I heard the crunch of footsteps behind me start to approach. Masky plopped right beside me and looked around.

"What exactly are you looking at?" He asked

"Everything, it's all just so nice to look at. I forgot how pretty some things can be." I responded

"It is pretty," He said, "Reminds me of someone," he said a little quieter.

I let out a shocked laughter at the compliment, it's mind boggling that he could say something as kind as a compliment. I continued to look at the snow falling but the clinking of a buckle had my face turning towards Masky. He was taking off his mask, surprise echoed across my face. He shook his head to fix his hair and sat the mask down beside him.

"You know, I don't think I could have found a better person to lose my mind with,"

I stared at his face for a little too long, drinking in the features that I never saw, "I sure hope you don't go insane, I still need your help," I finally got out

"Don't worry I wont be going anywhere."

We were facing each other now, I just took in his facial features, how they meshed together, it was just so mesmerizing. His eyebrows were pinched together, I didn't know if it was because of me staring a little too intently or him searching for words.

"We'll find a way to fix what's happening ok?" He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I'm ready to figure out how to solve it no matter how gruesome the task is," He paused and sucked in a deep breath, "I know I haven't been the most reliable and bearable person to be around but I'm ready to change, for you."

I didnt breathe, what he was saying had completely and utterly shocked me to my core.

"I-" I scrambled for the right words, I had no idea what to even say, how to express the wave of joy and happiness that was crashing onto me. "Thank you" I breathed out, "I honestly don't even know what to say to that. But I'm glad I don't have to lose my mind alone" I said with a hopeful smile.

"Alright enough with the mushy stuff let's just admire now," He laid down in the snow, I followed suit and laid right beside him. In all of my years of living on this little earth I would have never guessed I'd be lying beside a murderous psychotic killer and feel the safest I've ever felt.

But here we were.

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