fourteen. 0 hours, 33 minutes

26 6 3

As a child, he loved to be barefoot.

Sometimes, even, during the height of summer afternoons, he would forget to bring shoes along to taekwondo class.

So, for old times sake, he decided to leave his shoes in the car. It was a very cold night, yet he could not feel the chill.

He felt the asphalt under his feet, texture digging into his softened soles. He felt the ocean wind, softly blowing tonight: a welcoming breeze, one might say. After many steps, he felt crystal sand mold around the skin of his soles.

Every insignificant grain of sand moves together in a constant ebb and flow of existence and pulverization. Alone, a single grain is, for all intents and purposes, nonexistent. Yet, with all seven and a half sextillion grains existing together, they almost outnumber the stars of the observable universe.

He looked up to the dark sky.

Strangely, he saw more colors than he remembered the night sky containing. In what would normally be an abyss of black, he saw magenta swirl around indigo, a forest green dance alongside amethyst before diving into castleton.

Instead of pure white, the visible stars shone with wide halos of amber and royal yellow. As he shifted his gaze, he found some bright stars which - instead of fire halos - boasted coronas of turquoise and jade.

He stood, feet planted on the earth, looking with awe toward the heavens.

He was not sure where he would be in the following hour, but perhaps it would be in the company of stars.

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