It's cold outside (Saichi Sugimoto)

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(Y/n) was walking down the town streets enjoying the lights that were put up for the coming holiday. It was late during the snowy night when they decided to take a walk to clear their head. So many things had been stuck in their heads wearing them down for days and although the walk with the lights did help to clear a few of them there were still some that lingered. They had started to get right back to that endless head space when they bumped into someone.

" I'm sorry I didn't see....Saichi?" They stared at the possible stranger.

"(Y/n)?" That voice confirmed who it was a friend that they had known since they were kids.

" Why did you tell me you were in town!" They hit him playfully on the arm.

"So much as happened in the last few weeks I didn't even realize this was the town you lived in." He explained, smiling at his old friend. "What are you doing out so late anyways?"

" I just wanted to clear my head."

"So, we had the same idea."

"I should be heading back to my place." (y/n) said as they wrapped their coat tighter around themselves feeling the wind starting to pick up.

"You can come over to my house." Saichi suggested "it's close by and we can catch up."

(y/n) thought for only a moment. "Sure."

True to Saichi word, it was about a ten-minute walk to where he was staying. The house was a good size while being further away from the others as if it was on its own little island.

"Is it just you living here Saichi?" (y/n) asked as they hung their coat.

"For now." Saichi made his way to the kitchen "just make yourself at home."

"Are you getting roommates or do you have a secret partner I don't know about?" (y/n) sat down on the couch looking around the room. The living room only had the coach and a tv in it along with a few pictures on the walls.

"You could say that."

"Huh? To which-"

"Here." he had returned with warm drinks, handing one to (y/n).

"Thanks." They took a sip before continuing. "What I was trying to ask was what do you mean. Do you have a partner?"

A soft smile crossed Saichi. "I do."

"When were you going to tell me?! Who are they? Is it someone we know? How long have you two been together?" Saichi chuckled at his friend's questions.

"I wasn't trying to keep it a secret. I just haven't had a chance to say with all the moving around and yes, it is someone we know and I've had my heart set on them for a long time."

"Childhood crush?" (y/n) teased.

"First love is more like it."

The pair fall silent enjoying the company of the other. (y/n) started to think about how long it's been since they last saw each other. It was just a few years ago now that they saw each other face to face for the final time while Saichi traveled around Japan. It felt like he was never truly away with how much he texted and called but it was recently that it all but stopped. Was it because he was busy with his new partner?

"Hey Saichi, how long did you say you were with your partner?"

"a long time, why?"

"Just curious." How long is a 'long time'? But (y/n) did not press any further

After (y/n) finished their drink, they decided it would be best to head home before it got any later.

"Are you sure? I have an extra room you could have."

"I have to go home at some point, right? Better now before a storm comes."

(y/n) had made it halfway down the block when things started to become fuzzy. They tried to head back to Saichi's house but were only able to take a few more steps falling on the last one. The last thing they saw as their eyes closed was a figure getting closer.

"So, it finally wanted to kick in." he said, getting closer to his partner.

Picking them up he started back towards their house. The last few years were spent getting everything ready for when (y/n) was brought home. Now all the people had to do was settle in although it would be a while before one of them was ready, however the other knew they had the rest of their lives to get settled into their new future together. 

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