Good or Evil?²²

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The next day, the coronation is starting. Mei, Evie, Jay, and Carlo are on the balcony together with other people and choir kids behind them.

Supposedly, Mei was to stand up front with Mal and Ali if she did accept his offer.

But she didn't, not after the fight that happened yesterday. So only Mal was standing up front.

Choir kids started singing and all people inside the castle waited for Ben. Jay stare at Mei who was standing on his left, then at Evie and Carlos who were beside Mei.

They all nodded and signed that they have and need to do their plan as it is. Not turning back, no matter what.

The door from the front opens up, revealing Ben. He starts walking forward, slowly taking his time. People started murmuring to each other about Ben looking like King already.

Everyone, including the isle kids, Bows down when Ben reaches their front.

When Ben reaches in front of Mal, he catches a glimpse of her bowing to him, then he looks back forward. Mal then felt guilt and nervousness once Ben stands to the front.

Fairy Godmother also walked in front beside Queen Belle and King Beast. She gave the queen a cheek-to-cheek kiss and she bows to the king before carefully taking his crown off of him.

Ben kneels one knee down and Fairy Godmother stands in front of him. Ben patiently waits for her to put the crown on his head.

Once the crown touches his head, his father gave him an approving nod and a smile.

King Beast then opens up the lid of the magic wand for the Fairy Godmother to grab. Mal looks at the magic wand in front of her and then looks up at her friends.

They move anxiously and wait for Mal to grab the wand. Mal stares at the wand one more time, feeling hesitant about taking the wand for her mother.

Fairy Godmother is now standing in front of a kneeling Ben, with the magic wand in her hands. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

Mal was still not grabbing the wand. On the isle, The villain's parents are watching from the television. Maleficent is becoming impatient.

"I do solemnly swear," Ben said.

"Then, it is my honor and my joy," Fairy Godmother said as she pats her wand to both sides of Ben's shoulder. "To bless our new king." She finished before someone grabs her wand.

Everyone in the castle let out a loud gasp. The person who grabs the wand accidentally throws power into the sky. None of them know what made the barrier break.

Maleficent quickly grabs her scepter and used this to quickly get inside the Auradon. She let out an evil laugh before disappearing.

Back into the Auradon, Everyone panicked when Jane was holding the magic wand. Ben quickly came in front of Mal and covers her behind him, protecting her from Jane.

"Child, what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother screams to her daughter.

"If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" She fights back while she struggles with the wand. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!" She chanted but still struggles with the wand.

Everyone inside the palace was backing away from Jane, except for Mal who pushed Ben behind her and grabs the wand from Jane's grasp.

When she successfully grabbed the wand, she holds it tightly and hold the wand in front of her. The four kids on the balcony ran away from where they are standing and they run to where Mal is.

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