Chapter 3

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         Hayden watched as Draek stretched out his wings on a hill to let the sun warm him up. Draek looked like a sheet of silver laid over the hill and reflected the sun all around the surrounding trees. Hayden was trying to make the best of their last day before they were going to have to leave for the Frozen Tundra.

        Hayden had found a supply room in Out Post filled with oil and wire brushes to clean a dragon's hide. Draek had been more than eager to get a good cleaning when Hayden had lumbered to the landing platform of Out Post with his arms full of cleaning supplies.

        It took all morning to properly clean, and oil Draek's scales and joints but afterward Draek shined like a true silver dragon.

        When Hayden had finished cleaning Draek, he took all the scales that Draek had shed to the nearest blacksmith and asked if they could repair his armor with new scales. The battle had taken its toll on his armor, and it needed repairing before they left. The blacksmith was excited when Hayden told him that they could have all the leftover scales.

         Afterwards, Draek and Hayden had flown together to find a place to rest and sunbathe. Hayden sat against a tree and listened to the rustling of the trees as the wind coursed through the forest.

        I am getting restless awaiting our next journey, but I am also nervous about leaving this place. Hayden said as he watched two birds dart across the clearing, chirping as they flew after each other. It is so peaceful here.

        It is a false peace, Hayden. Draek reminded Hayden. This is just the calm before the storm, but we might as well enjoy it while it is here. Hayden couldn't help but agree with Draek, but soon his mind began to wonder about the storm that was coming.

        The storm that would decide the fate of Arvain.


         Hayden yawned as he tried to work the knots on Draek's saddle. He shook his head trying to wake himself up before returning to his work.

         "Do you have everything?" An elf walked over to Hayden with a torch in his hand.

         Hayden looked over the bulging saddle trying to think if he had forgotten anything.

        "I believe so." The elves had stitched leather bags onto all the dragon's saddles to allow them more room for their gear. They were able to pack large quantities of salted meat and water skins as well as warm clothes and other survival gear.

        "Wait, silver rider!" A voice rang out from the trap door beneath the landing platform. Hayden turned and watched as an elf carrying large bundles emerged from the trap door and ran over to him.

         At first, Hayden did not recognize the elf in the predawn darkness, but as the elf got closer, Hayden recognized him as the blacksmith he had entrusted his armor too.

        "Did I forget a piece of my armor at your shop?" Hayden asked as the elf neared. The blacksmith lowered the bundles to the floor, and Hayden heard the clink of metal.

         "Sir, you forgot all of your armor." The elf said. The elf wasn't even out of breath from the run. Hayden's face began to turn red, but he hoped that no one else heard the blacksmith.

         "Have you become so powerful that you no longer require armor, Hayden?" Rimney Sky, the Sea Serpent captain of the ship The Misty Maiden and rider of the blue dragon Farius the Sunken Death, laughed as she approached Hayden.

        "I see that you are still packing food though, so I assume that you still have to eat like us lowly mortals?" Rimney continued joking.

        Hayden felt his ears turn red as he helped the blacksmith unwrap his armor and add it to the saddlebags. The silver scales on his armor shined in the torchlight just as it had the day he had gotten it. Even his eagle helmet was as good as new. None of his armor showed any wear from the battle he had just been through.

         The last piece of armor the blacksmith pulled out was his breastplate. Hayden looked at the green and blue dragon scales that rested on either side of his breastplate.

         Hayden ran his hand across the different scales. "Everyone will see these scales and know that I am a friend of elves and Sea Serpents." Hayden nodded his thanks to the blacksmith before taking the breastplate and adding it to the full saddle bags.

         "Friend of elves and Sea Serpents as well as undefeatable in battle," Rimney said. "Has a nice ring to it." Hayden threw one of the sacks that had held his armor at her face, but Rimney easily avoided it. "I wonder how you survived the battle with an aim like that?" Rimney laughed as Hayden slid down Draek's side and started to run after her.

         "That's enough you two," Kirin said, stopping the two riders from fighting.

         "Part of me wishes to be flying off with you on this adventure. Then again part of me wishes that there wasn't a need for this to happen." Kirin looked at each of the riders as she spoke.

          "Rimney, your riders will join you once you all take flight, correct?" Kirin asked.

         "Yes, elf Queen, they are packed and ready. They preferred to stay on the ships as long as possible." Kirin nodded her head.

         "I understand. I too am not looking forward to leaving Eytherka, but we do what we must." Kirin turned to face Cass. "The elves that are joining you have already begun their flight south. Since your dragons are much faster than theirs, I thought it best to send them ahead. If all goes well, they will be waiting for you at the beginning of the Frozen Tundra." Cass nodded her head and climbed into the saddle.

        "Fly swiftly and be quick with your task. We will need your help sooner than I would like." Having checked the straps of the saddle one last time, Hayden climbed onto his saddle and strapped himself in.

        With nothing left to be said Cass and Shaylin took to the air first with Hayden and Draek close behind. Shane and Rimney were the last to get on their dragons, but they joined the others in the air quickly.

        They flew just over a league before the dragons were at a comfortable height to use the updrafts to glide. Hayden leaned over Draek and watched as they neared the river where the Sea Serpents ships docked.

        He saw five blue dragons sitting upon the decks of the ships, and as they passed overhead, the dragons jumped into the air to join them.

         Hayden looked at Eytherka one last time as Out Post began to shrink off in the distance. The forest underneath them came alive as green dragons, and their riders leaped from the trees to fly around Hayden and the others. The green dragons roared, and their riders cheered as they neared the blue and metallic dragons.

        There are a lot of them. Hayden thought as he tried to watch all the green dragons fly around them like crazed birds.

         They have all come to see us leave. Draek said with excitement.

          All? These are all of the green dragons? Hayden asked as another group of dragons neared them.

        All except those who will meet us at the Frozen Tundra. Finally, the green dragons began falling back into the woods, and Draek trumpeted his thanks with a deafening roar. After that, the sky grew quiet except for the sounds of the dragon's wings.

        In silence, the dragons flew, closer and closer to the Frozen Tundra and the white dragons that lived within.

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