Chapter 1

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Hayden looked over the scarred land around Out Post, saddened by its current state after the battle over Eytherka. The forest had been set aflame by the Metallic Nation's war machines and their battle between the dragons. Trees that had stood for hundreds of years had toppled over and added to the fires that had taken them almost two days to put out. Hayden had thought that the hardest part of the war was fighting in it, but he had been wrong. The hardest part was what came after the fighting was over.

Sea Serpents, elves, humans and dragons alike had all helped to combat the flames and try to find any survivors. Hayden had worked until he had almost fainted from exhaustion. The elves tried to force Hayden to rest but when he refused Draek grabbed him in his claws like he would a deer and carried him back to Outpost.

It had been almost a week since the battle, but Hayden still saw the nightmares from the fight. He didn't even have to close his eyes to see all the bodies they had pulled out of the burning forest.

Stop Hayden. Draek's voice gently pulled Hayden away from the edge of despair. Hayden took a deep breath of clean air and closed his eyes. When he opened them the ghosts of the battle had gone, and all that remained in his sight was the tarnished remains of Eytherka.

Thank you. Hayden replied. He had wondered if any of the other survivors from the battle suffered as he did but the bags under Cass and Shane's eyes gave him his answer.

Where should we help today? Hayden asked. Draek was still off hunting so he stood on the landing platform alone but since the battle, Draek had kept their mental connection open at all times.

I think we should help with the defenses today. Draek suggested. After the Metallic Nation had retreated, presumably back to Celestial City, Kirin had only allowed the elves a short time to celebrate their hard-won victory. Once the forest fires had been put out, she had immediately sent half of her people in search of survivors while the other half rebuilt their defenses. She didn't want the Metallic Nation catching them off guard.

I think you're right. Hayden admitted. Up until today, he had been helping find survivors, but the last two days had only yielded up bodies, and he couldn't take any more of that.

Hayden waited on his perch, alone, as the elves moved like ants beneath him. He waited patiently as Draek finished his hunt and landed on Out Post.

Ready? Draek asked as he lowered himself so Hayden could climb up his side.

Yes. Hayden answered as soon as he was situated on Draek's back. Draek did not wear a saddle, so Hayden had to hold on with his legs to keep from sliding off. Draek walked off the edge of the platform and lazily circled his way down to where the elves were attempting to build a wall around the main camp.

Before the battle, the trees had provided enough protection from the enemy's armies. Only the surest-footed horses would have been able to transverse the thick forest. Now the trees were gone or greatly thinned, and they were forced to build defenses if they wanted to stay protected.

The elves were using the trees that had already fallen during the fight that weren't badly burned to create the outer ring of the wall. When Draek landed, Hayden slid off of his back and began helping cut off the branches of the fallen trees while Draek helped put them in place.

They quickly lost track of time as they labored under the spring sun. Hayden enjoyed focusing on the work because it provided a great distraction from the battle raging within his mind. As the sun began to set and torches were being lit by the workers, Draek stopped working and looked up towards Out Post.

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