Chapter 9

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Hayden and the others stood shivering outside a large, hide-covered hut with wisps of smoke escaping into the white sky. They tried to keep their clothes pulled tight to their bodies as well as their hoods pulled over their heads, not just for warmth but also in order to hide their faces.

Klarack had made his way through the various villages, convincing their elders to join him in a meeting to help decide their fate regarding what the Metallic Riders have demanded. During the meeting, he had told Cass that it would be there, in that meeting that he would reveal the young riders and their proposition on how they should proceed.

They had been waiting for some time before shouts could be heard coming out from the hut. The riders all became worried and started backing away from the entrance just as the flap was thrown back, and Klarack stepped out. His smile scarcely hidden beneath his beard.

"They are ready to hear ya, my friends." He said, stepping further out from the hut.

"Are they pleased with our idea?" Cass asked as she walked closer to Klarack.

"No, not particularly but they have agreed not to kill ya lot on sight." He explained as if it was an amazing achievement.

"Uh.... Good job?" Hayden asked, not sure how to react.

"No need for thanks, silver rider, it was the least I could do." Klarack nodded humbly.

"I bet it was," Shane said as together, they made their way into the dark hut.

The hut was full of smoke as they had fires burning to keep the occupants warm. The room was filled with fur covered men and women; each wore a scowl on their face.

"Ya lot are the ones that have convinced Klarack to forfeit his life by joining ya?" An elderly woman spat on the trampled ground.

"That's not how I would have put it Shanry," Klarack replied calmly.

"That's how I would put it. Ya bring them here, and with them, ya bring their war." Shanry shouted, spittle flying from her mouth.

"The war was coming here, with or without us," Rimney shouted as she tried to get closer to Shanry.

Shanry squinted her face to get a better look at Rimney.

"She is right; this war was coming here one way or another. We had wanted to meet with each of your villages and truly discuss our proposition." Cass explained, putting her queen face on just as Hayden had seen Kirin do.

"And what is that proposition exactly? Join ya and die?" Shanry asked. The other elders hadn't tried to speak up yet, or even really move, making it very apparent as to who was in charge.

"No of course not..." Cass started to reply.

"Oh, so ya can guarantee that if we side with ya in this war that none of our people will die?" She demanded.

"Well no, I can't guarantee that but..." Cass started to say. Shanry cut her off again and was opening her mouth to speak again, but Hayden stepped up first.

"It is obvious that the Frost Fangs have no intention of joining us. So, we will take our leave. You can go and cast yourselves with the Metallic Nation, and I can promise you that when you do, they will force all of your people to the front lines. They will force you to march against us and wait for us to tire ourselves from killing you and then when you are all gone, they will attack us." Hayden said calmly.

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