Alone Again

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this is probably going to be a long chapter because theres only 3 more parts of this story . I hope you enjoyed it but this time is really ending ... so yeah enjoy . I love ya all


- Vic P.O.V . -

Its me ?

Whats me what was I going to do next ?

I woke up screaming . Where was I what was going on . I felt two arms wrap around me and I looked over to see kellin there . Wait kellin ? I looked around and I was at my house . Not in that crazy place. Maybe it was just another dream . that's probably what it was . Just a dream . Im ok , hes ok .... good ( It wasn't a dream , youll find out later , just in case youre confused ) I sighed hugging him tightly not wanting to ever let go . Thank god he was ok .

We carried on just like it was a normal day . he was cleaning up around the house I was doing laundry ... he disappeared around 5 , wait what that's not normal . Where was he going ? He told me not to follow him but of course I had to follow . He walked for what seemed like forever before getting to this little bar . A girl was waiting outside for him and when she saw him she jumped into his arms and kissed him ... and ... he kissed back . No this cant be right what was going on . This wasn't kellin . I just watched in pure shock , that shock turned to sadness and that sadness turned to anger . I felt something in me that ive never felt before ,it was a rush of adrenaline and pure hate . It actually felt good . I wanted to hurt him . I loved him and he used me like this .

I stepped around the corner and he saw me and the second he did he jumped back and gasped then looked in between me and his slut as of he didn't know who to go to . He started to speak to me but I silenced him immediately not wanting to hear his bullshit . I could feel my face beginning to tingle and I know that's weird but that's what happened . I felt two sharp objects in my mouth trying to push out . It hurt so bad and when I opened my mouth I felt two fangs pop out . My vision blurred and I could feel myself slipping away .. I saw what happened that night .

* Flashback *

I heard them say it was my turn now . I didn't know what they meant but I guess I od now . I was yanked out of the room by my arm . I could've sworn my arm was almost torn form my body and I shrieked . My cries were ignored as I was thrown into a little room with soundproof glass . I could tell just by the tint that no noise would get in or out . What were they doing to me ? I was thrown into a little chair and tied down tightly , my arms felt like they were about to pop off it hurt so bad .I saw someone from the shadows step into the light and I saw two piercing sharp fangs connected to the being . He wasn't  that tall and had kinda long black hair and grey blue eyes . He was circling me . He looked at me like I was a  steak . The other burses existed the room and I heard one of them whisper .

" Don't kill this one Jinxx "

Jinxx ? That mustve been his name im assuming . Wait was he going to kill me ? Oh no I cant die I had kellin no no no no no I cant die . Jinxx got closer to me and stared at a vein on my neck before moving over to me at un human speed  and sinking his long fangs into my neck. Now I understand why the glass was soundproof . I screamed at the top of my lungs at the pain that coursed through my body . I was on fire . I couldn't breath or anything . I felt like I was burning form the inside out and I couldn't stop it . I thrashed around and screamed and did everything I could to get away but it didn't work , he kept me there hostage . I began to feel really dizzy by the time he pulled away and I wasn't burning anymore . I was ice cold . I could feel the chill even in my heart . It felt like I was dunked in freezing water after being lit on fire . It was the worst pain ive ever felt . And ive stepped on a lego before to .

Jinxx left the room without saying another word to me and I saw kellin running in . He had tears in his eyes and he hugged me tightly but I was to tired to hug back , he didn't let go though . He picked me up carefully and began to carry me out of the hospital . Not long after we had left I had woken with a headache at home .... not remembering anything  . Until my fangs arrived

* End flashback *

I gasped and fell back . Well that explains a little bit , I had an overwhelming course of anger that shit through me . Kellin hurt me now I needed to hurt him before he did it again . He looked like he had seen a ghost when he looked at me and the girl was long gone by now . I jumped on Kellin and tackled him to the ground slapping him repeatedly and loving every second of it . He cried underneath me but didn't protest . He knew he had done something wrong and now ... I didn't want to hit him anymore . No not physically hurt him but his blood called to me . My stomach growled loudly and my fangs elongated . I looked at his delicious neck and couldn't help myself anymore . I dug my fangs into the side of his pretty little neck gulping down liters of blood at a time . I couldn't help it it just tasted so freaking good , my inner beats wanted to feel death on his hands .

Kellins heartbeat slowed down tremendously and his breathing was labored but I kept gulping down blood . I couldn't help it . It was so intoxicating and I loved every second of it . I felt his chest began to stop moving and I had to forec myself to  pry away from him . He looked pale , his eyes dull , his breathing was extremely shallow . he looked dead .. because of me . NO .. how could I have done this . I know I was mad at him but I didn't have to kill him . I screamed a little them got up away from him and called the police . I just told them that he had fell down and lost a lot of blood . They were sending paramedics now . I knelt beside him and held his hand . I cant believe I actually di d that . I promised him I would never hurt him like everyone else had done and look at me now , standing over his bloody body waiting for paramedics ... why ?

They finally arrived and by the time they did he had stopped breathing completely . I felt a faint heart beat but I knew he wasn't breathing . I was crying hysterically now and I didn't stop in front of anyone either when they stopped to look at me . Of course my fangs had retracted but I was a grown man crying on the pavement next to his bloody and beaten boyfriend . People of course were gonna stare at me . The ambulance ride was tense and they kept asking me so many questions that I couldn't answer unless I directly told them that I had done this and even though I had I couldn't admit to it . I was trying to deny it myself now but I definatley couldn't admit it to a bunch of other random people didn't even know . I just sat in the corner crying in silent until we reached the hospital.

Ii had no one to call because everyone I knew now hated me or wouldn't have answered anyway . The doctors took kellin away immediately doing cpr the first second they saw him . Apparently he had to have an emergency blood transplant if he even had a chance of survival . That's what I heard anyway . I couldn't believe I had done that . Whats wrong with me . Kellin is going to hate me now I just know it . But I was still going to be here for him even if he never wanted to see me again . I still loved him and had to apologize as many times as I could for him to believe I was sorry .

* time lapse 4 hours *

Hours past and I waited in the waiting room , not hearing a single thing about kellins condition or what was happening to him or even what room he was in . I was so tired and I just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up after what happened . I felt so terrible for all of this . I wanted to die . I almost killed the love of my life . what was I thinking . I saw the doctor walked out . He was covered in blood and he was the only thing that interrupted my thoughts of death . I looked at him hoping he would have good news but he had a grim expression on his face and I got so scared . My stomach drop and my heart falter . I had never been so scared in my entire life and I felt like I was going to throw up . The doctor just pointed at me and motioned for me to go into the room which I assumed was kellins .

I got up and walked to the door afrais of what I was going to see .

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