The Dream Vanished

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- Vic P.O.V. -

I had apologized to Kellin . Told him how sorry i was and said some things that i didnt even know i was keeping in . when i saw him everythign let loose and i said things i never couldve imagined myself saying . I felt like i was pouring my heart and soul out to him which i kinda was but ..... he didnt find it weird he just huggd me . Told me it was alright . We ended up falling asleep with him holding me to him . Our heatbeats in sync as one .

I woke up to find light ouring in from the window of his room but he was still sleeping . Thank god its Saturday or i my dad would kill me for missing school .

I looked up at Kellin and admired him . He looked so peacful when he slept . He was the most beautiful person ive ever seen in my life . No word can express his beauty . But something seemed differant ......  I couldnt put my finger on it until he woke up and looked at me . I saw his eyes and they didnt loook dead anymore . There was a small glimmer of life in them and i realized . i didnt have the dream  .......

Ive been having that dream every night for 4 years and now all of a sudden i didnt . What was happeneing with me .... with him to? I think he saw the distress in my eyes so he pulled me a little closer and whispered " Good Mornig Vic " I said good morning back and bit my lip . Its a thing i do when im nervous get over it . I was thinking to much about something .

Last night when i kissed him i felt the sparks but they see,ed kind of dead to .... like his eyes were at the time .... but now his eyes are more alive and full of hope again . I wonder if a kiss would be the same . Full of passion and love instead of deperation and agony . I looked back up into his eyes as his gaze met mine .

" Hey umm Kellin can i try something ? ...... "

" Yeah sure what is it ? "

I sat up and crashed my lips onto his once more and was overtaken with emotion . This was nothing like last night . This was somethign that ive never felt before . My breath was taken away , my heart skipped a beat , my entire universe was now souly focused on him . The sparks flew everywhere as our lips  moved in perfect harmony . I exploded with passion and love from him . IN just a day this had changed so much . The faint feeling of misery was still there but was overun by the love here .

I could tell Kellin felt the exact same way , i dont know how but i just could , we were that in sync at this moment , i could feel his feelign , he could read my soul and nothing could separate us ..... well until we had to breath anyway .

I pulled away just enough to get a breath . But our foreheads were resting on each others , we were breathing in the same air space and feeling the same everything. I everntually moved back to look at him .'

" Please tell me you felt it to ...... "

" Of course i did ....... i knew i would "

" So did i ..... i have for a while "

He smiled and hugged me once more . We discussed although it didnt take much and we decided that we should go out . I was soworried about all the hate , i mean im alreayd bullied enough and now if people found out i was gay ..... id be dead.

" What if they find out Kellin ..... we will both be dead "

" they will just fill you full of lies but you cant listen ..... they will use words to cut you down to size but you have to fight back "

" But .... "

" Your the unbreakable heart ..... they wont get to you and if they do youll get through it "

He made me feel a little better but i was still terrified of what was to come of us . I cuddled into his side and let a tear slip . I didnt let him see how scared i was but oh well ..... hopefully i have nothing to be scared of . As i sat there and thought for a long time i did realize one thing .

That i really truly love Kellin and wont let anything .... or anyone get between us.


song : " Unbreakable Heart " by Three days Grace


I hope all of you are liking the story so far , if not then comment and tell me what i could do better because i want to improve my writing skills . Also comment some songs you would like me to use if you want to hear a secific one .

If you, like it then please vote and check out my other stories then follow .

But anyway for now , I love all of you and Byeeeeee

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