Its worth fighting for

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Italic = Vic    Normal = Kellin


- Kellin P.O.V. -

Well i was finally in this new school . I had to get out of the other one because eveyrone some guy tried to kill me because he found out my secret. The police moved me and my family so i would be safe . I was never safe though . I guess thats the sacrifice i had to make . I was getting ready for school and i saw this kid across the street getting on the bus . He was extremely attractive, with his skinny jeans and long looked like we had the same style. I wonder if he saw me or if i would have any classes wiht him . Just by looking i could tell he was differant than the rest . He just was but i dont what made him that way .

I got to school and walked in my homeroom after the teacher introduced me to see him sitting in the back . He made eye contact with me and he turned a ghostly pale although he was quite tan . His eyes lost the glint and he loked like he was about to pass out . Apparently his name is Vic , and i was his lab partner . The second the teacher said that his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell to the ground but i couldve swore i heard him whisper my name .

He hit the ground and i had never felt my heart tear so much as seeing him lay on the ground completely  passed out and then i saw that his sleeves had rolled up . He had freah cuts littering both arms and many old scars as well . I gasped at the sight and nearly cried myself . I dont know why it hurt me so much but it did . He woke up and immediatly pulled his sleeves down and made eye contact with him again . He looked like he was ready to burst into tears . Everyone was staring as he slid back into his seat , i could tell he wasnt paying attention during the lesson  , i wasnt really either honestly . I was to focused on him .

As soon as the bell rang he ran out and i saw a tear slip . I decided to follow him . I dont know why but i felt like i needed to  .i grabbed my stuff and followed him in the direction i saw him run in .

I soon got to the football field but i didnt see him , but i heard him crying under the bleachers , I walked to him and watched him for a minute until he looked up and saw me . I could see the pure agony in his eyes and it hurt me to see someone in that much pain . Could anyone else see it ? Or for some reason was it just me that could .... ?

I sat next to him and he scooted away .

"Are you ok ....."

"Why are you here kellin"

" I wanted to check on you "

The way he said my name was like pure ice hitting my heart . But i didnt go , i really needed to talk to him . I just felt something pulling me to him but i couldnt decribe it , all i know is that i couldnt ignore it. I scooted closer to him again but this time he didnt move away. I wanted to be his friend , maybe even more . I just needed to talk to him right now .

" Vic ...... are you ok . " " Im just fine thanks for asking now go away " " Im just trying to be nice no need to be rude " " please just leave me alone " " Not until i know your ok " " well im fine so please just leave me alone "  " Nope , i want to be friends with you .... "

He took a long pause before responding as if he had to think about what he was going to say , I patiently waited while we sat in silence . I t wasnt an uncomfortable silence , not a comfortable one either . It felt as if time was standing still like we were the only two people . As if the air we were breathing became the only thing keeping us apart . He broke the silence eventualy , choosing his words carefully .

" If you really want to be my friend you would be willing to help me find the right way out . Or you could let me take the wrong way down . You will be willing to deal with my craziness and not push me away to be consumed by myself again . You wont make take the wrong way around , youll help me no matter how hard it may be , you wont turn your back and abandon me like eveyrone else . Youll accept my pain and fear as part of me and help me to conquer it . If you can then i wont ever let it go , i wont give it away because thats all i ever wanted and needed to keep me alive . But i doubt you or anyone will be able to ........ " ( AN: I kinda maybe cried a bit writing that part ..... maybe )

He got up and began to walk away but i stopped him and looked him dead in the eyes and said .

" I promise ...... as long as you can deal with me as well  " 


song : "The High Road" by Three Days Grace

Just saying that this song is me and my besties song and i have never heard a song so perfect for two people , just saying .

I hope your liking the story , im really trying on it cause i want it to be awesome , If you liek it please vote and follow and check out my other stories .

Im also taking requests .

But for now enjoy the story and Byeeeeee

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