chapter ten (part 2)

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Eugene's POV

"PIZZA!" We heard pincher pen penny knock on the door
"He found us!" Caranette whispered
"What are we gonna do?" Said mother, I felt bad for hiring a hitman for her. She's my mother afterall, even if she makes horrendous comics.

But I knew what we can do, you still haven't learned much about me... Well I'm also a genius. Who's built a time machine!

"I know! Hope in my time machine and I'll tell you the plan!" I whispered.
My mother and sister obeyed and we went unto the time machine

We went back in time!

"So the plan is we booby trap our whole house! Because it was just be boring if we just didn't hire him in the first place, lets get to work!" I ordered them

Of course we had to do some of the home alone classics, such as a hot door nob, slippery stairs, paint cans, and Lego, we finished in just in time!

we heard someone at the door

We were ready

"Come in!" Stella shouted
There was a long silence when Stella said that until...
"YOUCH! OH MY HOLY BLUE STICKY PANTYHOSE!" pincher pen penny screamed after he touched the door nob

He ran to the backdoor
Just to slip and slide everywhere! He looked like he was a elefant on ice trying to do the splits!
"ARGHHHHH!" he cursed

Picher pen penny managed to get in the house, they were in trouble now! They ran upstairs and Stella shouted
"I'm up here you can't get me!"

Pincher pen penny ran to the stairs then two paint cans came flying in his face! He was struck to the ground!

but we ignored him and got our bb guns and shot him

"AUGHHHHHHHH" he said in his high pitch womanly voice

"Is that enough for you?" Caranette yelled

Pincher pen penny, in pain fell back just to stumble on millions of pieces of Legos!

at this point he was in tears.

Pincher pen penny ran out of the house with only one shoe on, a Lego imprinted back, bb gun pellets sticking out of his leg and forehead, and a door handle imprint on his hand. It was not his day!

After that we laughed and forgave our mother for her weird hobby and boyfriends, and she promised to try and stop drawing boyfriends (for now).


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