Chapter fourteen

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Adun's POV

It's been a few days since haven't hasn't struck I've been a little suspicious...
My friend Adun is pregnant! And we don't know who's the father so I'm not sure if he's ready to take care of a child.

Our business is doing great! We're getting customers all the time, but I'm scared because i have a feeling like hannet is going to strike at any moment.
Yesterday while i was going out to steal the other coffee shops coffee i saw hannet staring right at me through her window.
Her eyes were looking right into me... like into my soul. She looked like she hasn't slept in 526 nights.

Somethings coming i know it...

I woke up in a dream.
I tall dark dragon with scrumptious claws was standing in front of me
"Great danger is coming your way" he singed and he had a very masculine angelic voice.
"What do you mean? How do i stop it"
He giggled "you don't"

He started dancing out to a Charlie demelio song (he's a huge fan)
"Please tell me! I need to know" i tried to convince him
He was eating some avocado peels with sprinkles and mushrooms "maybe..."
"Tell my purple stripped hippo beluga hips that i love her"  he shed a tear.
Then the dream ended

I still didn't get a answer from him! I know me and adun and in trouble now!

I walked up to adun who was picking out pjs for his baby
"Pink strips or violin violet?"
"We need to talk adun... were in great danger"
"We can't be! I want to see my baby one day!
"Then what are we gonna do??"

We resulted into hiding. I had a BB gun i snatched from a kid at the park, and adun had a spork.
We were ready

A few hours pass...

We've been waiting for hours... i think we should go out of hiding
"I'm tired... how about we sell some more orders?" I asked him
"We can't, its already dark.."
Suddenly we heard a little hideous laugh

"I've had enough of you! You've ruined my business!! Your gonna pay for this!"
Me and adun started to run for the exit of the sewers
"Wait! I have something to say!!" Adun yelled
"Tell me later! Not right now!!"

That's when hannet poured a bucket of boiling coffee down our sewers! I was trying to get to adun while we were burning alive.
This is the end of us.
"Adun..." adun said with his last dying words "im not pregnant... im just fat"

That was the end of adun and adun and their coffee shop.

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