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(The next day)
I sipped my coffee, letting the warmth relax me, opening up my manga after ordering breakfast. I left on a cliffhanger last night so I'm eager to continue.

The chime of the bell rang through the restaurant, I heard footsteps coming from the door as the new customer walked in.

Continuing to read, the stool next to me was pulled out and figure sat down. Out of my peripheral, it was a very tall male in a baggy white sweatshirt. I can't make anything else out and I dont really care. But its odd that he's decided to sit next to me when there are plenty open spots.

"So, this is where you've been hiding?" He spoke...that voice...I know that voice.

My breathing became shaky and I slowly turn my head up to him. Finding those violet eyes already locked on me, a sinister smirk tugging at his lips.


"Caught you~."

In a rush I tried to slide backwards of my stool, but as soon as I moved an inch his large hand snatched my wrist and held it on the counter.

Ran leans in "trying to escape again?" I keep my head low, eyes on the table, wiggling my wrist in his unwavering hold, he laughs "I dont think so." His long braided hair tickled my arm.

He moves back and puts his chin in the palm of his left hand, his right seemingly not going to loosen on me any time soon.

"How long to did you think you could keep it up for?" Ran asks, amusement laced in his voice.

I gulp "well I was doing really well...so why stop now?" I answered softly.

I jumped when a new voice to my right spoke "you certainly were smart enough to elude my brother. I'll give you that."

I whip my head finding a face similar to Ran's very close to mine, startled back away from him, straightening up. But I hit Ran's hard chest in the process making me recoil from him to. Keeping a middle ground between the two, the other boy moves back from where he had be previously leaning in on me.

He had blonde and blue streaked hair swept back and circle glasses with the same droopy violet eyes as Ran. He wore a baggy black sweatshirt.

"You must be Rindou," I nod, looking back an fourth from the two.

"Yeah. And you're this (y/n) I hear about."

"The one and only..."

"Hey, (y/n)! Im taking a little break so lets catch up," Kiki's voice interups as she comes around the corner untying her apron, not seeing whats happening.

She turns to me walking over with a smile but falters, her face dropping, eyes glancing between the Haitani's one either side of me. The two of them held hard glares at her, the kind that could kill on sight.

Kiki looks at Ran's hold on my wrist and then at me with do-you-need-help eyes. I shake my head no. She seemed hesitant but I pleaded at her.

"Uh, actually just came to let you know you're food is almost ready," Kiki reforms her smile but not genuine this time. "Would you two like anything?"

I glance at Ran, seeing him form a smile in return to Kiki "no thanks."

Kiki eye's Rindou for his response and he shrugs, standing from his spot "not hungry, I'll be waiting outside Ran."

Rindou exits the building and Kiki returns to the kitchen, leaving me alone with Ran.

"What are you reading?" The most casual question coming from Ran confused me but I pick up the manga with my free hand. A small smile forms on my face.

"Its called Yona Of The Dawn," I spoke more freely and meet his gaze, immediately snapping my eyes away.

"Whats its about?" Ran presses, he then points at the number on the book "your on volume seven so you must like it."

I furrow my brows at his seemingly genuine question, "a spoiled princess who is chased out of her own castle after the one she loved murdered her father and then tried to have her killed."

After I say that I scan his expression to see if he was still interested, he seemed to be so I continued "then her protector Hak rescuses her and the two travel together to find the four dragons in order to take back her kingdom and she falls in love with Hak, she has serious character development too."

"Dragons? Like big scaley beasts with giant teath," he puts his finger in a claw motion at his mouth symbolizing teeth. I dont know why but I smiled.

"No, not actual dragon's," I shake my head "technically."

"Then what do you mean?" Ran tilts his head.

I take a breath and look down at my wrist in his hold "I'll explain...if you let go..."

Ran's eye's narrow at me, causing me to regret my asking. Crap, I made him mad. But then his grip loosened and fell away from my wrist, surprising me. I lock eyes with him again and he repositions his chin back in his palm.

"Tell me," He urges me to move on with the manga.

I blink but oblige, "there used to be dragons centuries ago but they gave there power's to humans and those humans passed it on throughout the centuries. Blue dragon, green dragon, yellow dragon and white dragon. There is also a red dragon, thats princess yona and the other dragons are connected to her through dragon blood."

"Each dragon has a body part that is dragon like, the green dragon has a dragon leg. The white one has a dragon arm and the blue one has dragon eyes," my lips tugged up as I talked about my manga "but the yellow dragon doesnt seemed to have anything special so I need to continue reading to find out."

"Oh and Yona has no special power's, she's the descendant of the red dragon but I'm not sure if he didnt have abilities himself or just didnt pass them on," I put a hand to my chin in thought of what each new book may hold.

After I finished I honestly felt like I was talking with Hina since it was about my reading, something that make me so comfortable. Now I remember I just let my guard down around the last person I feel comfortable with.

I grab my coffee and take a big gulp and Ran snickers at me.

"Wow, you've never spoken more than five words to me in a single sentance before," He said in a taunting manner.

Not responding, I simply continue to drink my coffee. Ran leans in closer making me shudder "dont get shy now, I want to hear your voice."

"Your foods ready (y/n)," Kiki appears with a plate of pancakes and eggs, giving Ran a glare as she set it down infront of me and walked back.

"Thanks Kiki," I grin, pulling the plate twards me and drizzling syrup onto my pancakes.

"Aw, you just got sparkles in yours eyes," Ran mused.

"I mean its food, I havent eaten yet and I'm starving," I began cutting my pancakes into squares. Setting them on top of each other and slicing two rown each side, making nine squares each pancake.

Ran slid off his stool and stood behind me, his tall frame towering me. I scrunched myself feeling intidated under his burning gaze.

"I should get going, Rindou's been waiting long enough."

He then places his hands on my shoulders making me flinch. Ran leans down to my ear, making me draw in a sharp breath.

"I'll see you again soon (y/n), and dont try to run again."

With that, he backed off and left the restaurant with the ding of the bell.


Well he finally caught her and he's not intending on letting her go easily.

(Also you should go watch Yona Of The Dawn, its so good. One of my favorites. Currently trying to get the manga since its only been animated tk vol. 7 and I want to read the whole story)

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