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3rd POV

Takamichi sat down on Mikey's couch, eagerly waiting to hear how the future changed and if he saved (y/n)'s life. Mikey handed him a soda and sat across from him with a soft smile.

"She's alive, and no longer being hunted by Kurai and Hayato," he says, and Takamichi leaped up with joy.

"Yes! I did it! How are her and Ran then? Doing well, I assume?"

Mikey still smiled but looked a little saddened. "Their doing well. It's just that she struggles quite a lot. She's happy. We all do our best to make it that way. I think that if she didn't have Ran, she..." He shook his head, he knew, she didn't have to tell him for him to know. "As I recall, Izana and Kakucho are visiting her right now. I haven't seen her in a while, so their gonna update me, stick around until they do."

"What's wrong now?" Takamichi looked discouraged.

"Nothing you can fix."

~ Present ~
Ran walked up to (y/n)'s house. He had waited until he was sure she was home to see her. He even got her flowers, white lillies, because he knows their her favorite. And some assorted candies he held in a box. It was the least he felt he could do to make her feel better.

The sun was setting over the horizon, casting a yellow glow over the 20 year olds pale skin. A soft breeze lifted his hair that was out of its normal braided style. He lifted his hand to knock on the door but stopped as he heard voices - (y/n)'s mom and dad.

"No, I don't know what to do or how to help her," her dad sounded choked up. He didn't speak very loudly. "Our daughter is upstairs in pain, and we can't do anything but sit and watch."

Then her mom spoke in a consoling manner, "I know, but we need to be strong for her. Provided as many solutions as possible." To Ran, she sounded like she was trying to convince herself as well.

"Her medicine isn't working. She's been on it for two years, and she keeps gradually getting worse," her dad reminded, and Ran cast his gaze down. He already knew that it didn't take a genius to realize that her 'time limits' were getting shorter. She can't stand or walk as long as she used to or use her hands as much. Hell, her pain tolerance has gotten worse, too.

He didn't want to listen anymore and decided to knock and interrupt the conversation. This had only insentivised him to see (y/n) even more.

The door opened to her mom, whose eyes were slightly irritated, and she smiled and Ran, and he returned it. "I think you know why I'm here."

(Y/n) POV
I sat on my bed, leaning against my back pillow. My chest still hurts. It's been hurting for hours. I had taken my bra off to decrease the pressure, but now the problem is the weight of my breasts. They feel like their ten pound bags that lay on my pained ribs. So I'm manually holding them up while watching the TV.

I have been hearing my parents talking... and crying downstairs. I feel bad. Like, horrible. I feel like my entire existence is burdening them all the time, and their lives would be so much easier if I didn't have arthritis.

Footsteps padded up the stairs, and to my door, I expected to see my dad checking in on me for the 5th time today, but the door opened to Ran.

Joy swelled inside me when I saw him, but the pain in my chest limited how I expressed that. So I smiled softly and greeted him, apologizing for not calling or texting all day.

"I don't care," Ran calmly says and walks toward me with his arms behind his back. "I figured you've had a pretty shitty day, so I brought you gifts." He revealed a bouquet or white lillies and box of candy.

I grinned and gently leaned forward, "Thank you so much," I took the flowers and smelled them, and then I set them down on my desk, along with the candies. I can't find it in me to enjoy them how they deserve at the moment.

Ran noticed me slow and pained movements and said, "chest still hurt?" And I nodded. "Can I help in any way?"

"It's just my boobs feel too heavy, and it's making it worse, but I can't wear my bra because that's also bad," I lean back on my pillow again and continue to hold them up on my own.

"Scoot forward," Ran ordered and walked tward me.

"Hm?" I tilt my head but do as he says, and he gets on my bed, situating himself behind me against my back pillow. His long legs now like a cage on each side of me. I look at him, and he gestures for me to lean back. I do, and his hands snake around and cup my breasts, holding them up for me.

I can't help the relieved sigh that escaped me, as I was able to relax against him with the small amount of pain and extra struggle taken away. "Thanks," I whisper.

"My pleasure, princess," Ran nestled his chin on my shoulder while I lay my head on his. "I finally get to touch them," he chuckled.

"Shut up," I rolled my eyes, and Ran lightly kissed my cheek.

Oh, how I wish someone would do this for me.

Alright, big things happened in my life recently, and it has allowed me to wrap up this book how I wanted to. A few more chapters, and this book will officially be complete. I don't know how to feel honest.

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