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After a little while of talking, Ran had to go back to assist Rindou with the drinks and I was left alone with Mai who had started a game of truth or dare with the people around us.

Mai had forced me to play, I told her I didn't want to and tried to get up but she pulled me back and said I could just choose truth.

So I did, the entire time I kept choosing truth, I only got called like three of four times though, thank goodness.

Other's were choosing a lot of dares, I had to look away when Mai got dared to make out with a guy and of course she did it.

But out of no where, Yumie saunterd into the space and sat down on the couch, "this looks fun, let me join."

Her golden eyes land on me and she gives me a sly smile, tossing her black hair over her shoulder.

The game continued, I got called on and a girl asked me if Ran and I were a thing. I told her no.

A couple more rounds and Yumie calls on me. I tense up, wanting nothing to do with her, even a simple interaction.

"Truth or dare?" She tilts her head, her eyes having no innocence, but like she was scheming.

"Truth," I say.

"Ugh, you've picked truth every time," she rolls her eyes.

Mai joined in, "yeah, are you scared to pick dare? To much of a goodie too shoe's?"

People laughed and I felt my cheeks flush and heart pound. I already had way to much anxiety from all the people around but now, these girls are trying to make me feel bad.

"I- why can't I just pick truth? I didn't want to p-play in the first place," I felt like shrinking into myself, or some place that no one can see me.

"You're being boring, why are you even here then?" Yumie scoffs, "and why does Ran even talk to you?"

"Wha-" my shock was cut off.

"Just pick dare," Mai said, her voice laced in annoyance.

"Fine dare," I gave in, please dont give me something bad.

I'll leave, if I dont like the dare I'll just leave.

"I dare you to kiss Haru," Yumie points at a guy next to her, who quite literally just sat down to play. He had short black hair and golden eyes. He looks... just like Yumie.

"Aw come on sis I told you not to throw me at girls today," he playfully says and stands up, walking twards me.

My breath caught in my throat and I jump to my feet, backing up, "no."

Haru looked confused, "thats a first," he takes another step, "what am I not attractive enough for you?"

"I dont want to kiss anyone," I throw my hands out, having enough of this.

"You chose dare, you have to do it," Yumie crosses her arms.

"No I dont, if I dont want to I d-dont have to."

"Is this about Ran?" Mai asked, "you said you're not a thing."

"Were not-"

"So just kiss Haru."

"I dont want to kiss him! Or anyone!" My voice raised, feeling agitated and pushed to far.

Haru laughs, "oh I get it, first kiss nerves getting to you," he grabs my arm, "I'm a good kisser so I wont let you down."

"No, let go," I try to pull away.

A hand suddenly grabbed Haru's forearm, "let go." A voice demanded.

I look up seeing Ran, standing tall, eyes burning into Haru.

"Ran?" Haru's face paled.

"You touch whats mine again Haru and I'll make sure no girl ever wants to kiss your shitty face again," Ran threatened, his mouth turned up in a sinister smirk, violet eyes glowing in anticipation.

Haru released my arm, Ran let him go and Haru backed off.

"Well then," Mai starts, "kiss Ran instead." Yumie frowns at this.

I tried to protest but Ran steps infront of me, "she's not kissing anyone."

Ran grabbed my wrist and pulled me away to a door, he opened it and walked inside, dragging me along.


"If your going to kiss me I want it to be because you want to, not because you were forced."

He let go of me and I looked around, its a bedroom. The bed was in the far left corner, a black blanket covering the matress.

Next to the bed was a trashcan and a small bookshelff with a humidifier on top of it. The close left corner was a desk with a laptop, and what I could tell was a hand mirror and a hair brush. And there was a chair pulled up to the desk.

Next to the door I just came through was a mirror. The closet was on the right wall, but he had a clothing rack next to it with more clothes. There was a single window between his bed and the clothing rack.

"I shouldn't have left you alone, Yumie always tries to pull shit like this," Ran scoffs, clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Its fine, I'm fine." I brush it off. Even though my hands are still shaking, they've been shaking since Ran left me alone.

Ran didnt let my shakey hands go unnoticed, setting his eyes one them for a second, then he opened the door and left the room.

"Where are you-" I couldn't finish before he was gone. I step out and see him put on a smile, not a happy one, a smile that told you to run away as fast as you can.

He walks up to Yumie, Mai and Haru who all look at him and tense up.

"Get out."

The three of them look at each other like they were confused or contemplating.

"Are you deaf?" Ran's voice raised, "I said get out of my fucking house."

The three of them stand and head for the door. Rindou came to Ran's side, his face told me he had no clue what was going on.

Rindou looks over at me, raised his brows, said something to Ran and walked away. Ran then turns and comes back to where I stood.

"I don't wanna be here anymore," I avoided his eyes, "I wanna go home." Meeting Ran's gaze again, he nods.

"I rode my bike here with a friend so I'll just go find her-" I tried to walk off but Ran put an arm out infront of me.

"I'll find her, you stay in here," he puts his hands on my shoulders and guides me back into his room.


"Its the tall brunette with green eyes right?" He cuts me off, "I saw you with her."

"Yeah. Her name is Akiko," I nod, Ran says he'll be back and shuts the door, leaving me inside his room. Now the only sound was muffled music and my own breathing.

I didn't expect my night to turn out like this.

Well, Ran was pissed. I feel bad for those three if they ever show their faces again around him.
The only reason he didnt beat the shit out of Haru was because he didnt want to scare (y/n), otherwise the dude would have been done for.

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