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I walked through the hall to get to the lunch room, and through the mass of people spotting the tall, short haired brunette making her way through the crowd, happy green eyes on me.

"Hey, lets sit somewhere else for lunch, since Mai will be at the table." Akiko stands infront of me and puts her hands on her hips.

"I dont know, I think she might run scared after you slapped her last week." I snicker. Mai had went home after the whole ordeal and didn't show up the next day, which was Friday of last week. I guess she's back again.

"That felt good," Akiko clenches her fist.

"Well where would we even sit?" I glance around, my eyes landing outside the window where there we're picnic tables. "We could sit outside, but Akiko, those other girls we sit with are still your friends and you can sit with them if you want, I dont mind eating alone." I'm not lying, I really wouldn't mind.

Akiko looked at me like I grew another head, but before her retort came, another voice came from behind me.

"Why sit alone when you can sit with me princess~?"

Akiko clamps her mouth shut and I freeze, instantly recognizing that voice. And with the reaction of people around it wasnt hard to tell that Ran decided to pay a visit.

I turn around and see the tall, braided hair guy, violet eyes set on me with an amused grin. He leans on the wall I stood next to.

"Ran, what are you doing here?" I question, my eyes popping out of my head. I then point a digit at him, "I'm not leaving school with you again."

The ghost of a pout flashed his face, then he innocently smiles, "I simply came to see you (y/n), whats wrong with that?"

"Whats wrong, is that you're attracting attention," I gesture around at people who stood watching or walked by, while watching.

I played with my fingers, feeling like shrinking into myself with all the eyes.

Ran's violet orbs catch on my hands, he then leans down to me, "lets go outside to the picnic tables, your friend can join if she wants."

"Nah, you two can go alone," I spin to Akiko who walked off, casting me a grin, "have fun!"

"But-" I cut off my own mumble, well its not like she'll be alone, she knows tons of people and can easily just sit down anywhere.

"Yay! I get you all to myself!" Ran sneaks an arm around my shoulder. I roll my eyes, shaking my head with a giggle as Ran leads me to the doors where the picnic tables sat outside of.

I unzip my lunchbox, taking out the only thing I had inside; A container with chocolate mochi I made yesterday. I have four with me.

"Mochi?" Ran leans in, his eyes flashing, "it's chocolate? I love chocolate."

"Yeah, you want one?" I grin.

"Yes please."

I open the container and grab the brown mochi ball that was half the size of my palm and hold it out for him. "Here."

Ran quickly takes it and bites into it, I start eating my own.

"Where did you get this? Its delicious," Ran's face had some chocolate powder smudge as he eagerly downs the desert.

"I made it," I smile sweatly.

"You made this? Its better than any I've ever had," he licks off any excess from his fingers and wipes his mouth.

"Thank you!" My grin grew wide, "I love to bake, especially anything with chocolate."

"Right, I remember you saying one time over the phone that you bought coco powder to make chocolate truffles." Ran stares off, "oh that sounds good right now."

I giggle, "I make those a lot actually, I'll have you try them one day." I finished the second to last Mochi.

Ran nods, saying he'll look forward to it. Then he eyes my lunchbox, reaches forward and pulls it down to view the empty inside.

"Thats all you're eating?" He furrowed his brows. I nod in response, taking a bite of my desert food.

"Thats barely anything, don't you get hungry?"

"I dont always eat a lot Ran. Especially at school, my appetite fluctuates from big to very small," I put my hands out and in to symbolize big and small.

Ran squints at me, tilting his chin up, he was about to say something but I cut him off, "no I'm not starving myself, I get that a lot."

He pierces his lips but seemed to give up and put his chin in his hand, his usual lazy grin back, "you should come over after school."

"Huh?" I was ready to deny him.

"Yeah, why not, it'll be fun."

I tried to look for something, anything deceiving or mischievous in his eyes but I only saw genuine.

"I don't know-"

"You can bring a game, do you like cards or-"

"Taco cat goat cheese pizza," I speedily respond. He looked horrified and confused to which I laughed.

"It's a weird name, I know." I tried to talk while laughing, "but its my favorite card game, its so chaotic and hilarious- a little painful but you're having to much fun to notice."

"I can honestly say that is the weirdest card game name I have ever heard of," Ran sits up, "sounds fun, I'm in."

"I never said I would come over," I remind him.

"Fine, I'll just drag you there!"


Sorry for the late post, I was having a serious case of writers block.
You know, I really enjoy having the comtrast of sweet moments vs spicy or action.

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