chapter 2 : we're gonna be uncles !?

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Donnie's pov :
This is by far the best dav of my life. I'm gonna be a father ! I can't believe it.

Right now me and my beautiful girlfriend april are right out in the lair's living room.

"Guys me an April have a varry big important announcement to make" I say with some nervousness in my voice.

"What is it d ?" Mikey said with is baby blue eyes staring at the both of us.

"Well, me and April are going to become parents ! I said with a huge smile on my face.

My brothers mouths drop for just a second until they turn into big huge grins. Mikey starts jumping up a down on his feet.

"I am gonna be an uncle !!" He yelled at the top of his lungs while Leo and Raph just smiled.

"Congratulations to the both of you I bet you are going to be the best of parents" leo said as he hugged us.

"I agree with fearless leader here" Raph said with smirk on his face.

"Thank you so much" April said as she leaned closer to me.

"So do you know or have a gess to when the baby will be born ?" Leo asked as his turned serious.

"Well, since we had developed faster as kids since we are mutants, I think she would be caring our child for a bout up 2 or 3 months " I theorized. 

April had a surprised look on her face.

Looks like this is going to fun ...


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