chapter 4 : the babies are here

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Donnie's pov :

Me and my brothers were just about to go up for our nightly patrol when I heard April screaming !


Oh crap.

"Guys we are going to have to stay here and try to help April she's in labor " I said as a rushed to her side.

I then carried her to my lab and set her down on on of my cots.

"April I want you on the count of 3 to push got it ?" I said as she nodded and did just that.

With the first push, one baby came out. This one looked like just like a regular me but, had a little bit of red hair on its head.

This one happens to be a male because he has uh 'part' that female's don't have.

On the second push the last baby came out this one looked just like a human but with a bit of green scales growing around it's body it also had hair. It even a little bit of shell on its back.

This one was definitely a female. They were both perfect. April had passed out after pushing our babies out.

No one's pov :
The first thing April noticed when she got up she saw Donnie holding 2 bundles in his arms.

She immediately new what they are intently.

There in his hand were cute human and mutant turtle hybrid babies.

They were just so precious.

"Donnie can I hold them ?" She asked as she smiled meekly.

He nodded.

"Hi there little ones I'm your mommy and that handsome guy of mutant is your daddy" she said as she kissed their foreheads.

Some time later the 3 brothers came into the lab to meet their new born nece and nephew.

"Aww they are adorable !" Said Mikey as he made silly faces as   the babies laugh at their uncle's silliness.

Leo smiled.

"Splinter would be a proud grandfather if he could see this"Leo said with a sigh.

Raph hugged the newly father and smirked.

"So what are their names ?"Leo asked.

"Well we decided, Mary Shen hamato and yoshi Kirby hamato" Donnie said proudly.

All 3 of them smiled as they hugged their genius brother.


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