chapter 3 : getting ready and uh oh

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No one's pov :

Over the next couple of weeks the turtles along with April were staring to get prepared for when the baby comes.

At around the time April was beginning to show even though it was still really early.   

April's pov:

Wow we have been busy. We have been getting a lot of stuff for when the baby get here.

I still can't believe that I already have a baby bump and it's just the beginning of the month !

Donnie decided that since seems things are going well, donnie had made a make shift Altra sound so we can see the baby or should I say babies.

Yep you heard that right we're having twins ! After we found that out we then told the other 3 and they literally almost fainted.

"Woohoo I get have more then one nice or nephew gonna need to get more stuff ! Said Mikey as he went to get more stuff as zipped like a bolt of lightning.

Time skip to months later   

No one's pov :

April was sitting on the couch comfortably as she was reading a book.

That was until she felt a large pain in her stomach.

That's when she new what to do.

Scream bloody murder



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