Dress up ( Dark Lord & Purple)

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Dark sighed loudly when the black figure walked by, going directly to the door and leaving without a word.

─ See? That's him everyday! He doesn't even look at me.... ─ He groaned quietly, receiving a sympathetic grimace from Purple.

─ You telling me he doesn't say a single word to you? At all?

The red figure yanked the fridge open, grabbing a tub of icecream. ─ He says yes or no when i ask him something but other than that... total silence. ─ He slammed the tub on the counter, making Purple jump in his seat.

─ I mean... You will have to give him time to adjust to you being around again...

─ Yeah well, I've apologized hundreds of times, it's been 3 weeks and he hasn't even looked at me.... ─ He grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cabinet, drinking some before dumping some inside the ice cream tub.

Purple rolled his eyes, grabbing one of the two spoons his friend offered to him and taking a spoonful of the spiked ice cream. ─ You have been away for almost 5 years...  It's gonna take more than a few weeks for him to go back to the way you guys were....

─ I know....─ Dark whined loudly, putting his head against the cold kitchen counter. ─ Fuck... I don't know what to do...

─ Have you tried apologizing for the 500th time?

─ I will beat you into a pulp.

Purple chuckled at his frustrated friend's tone. ─ I'm not the best at relationship advices but...maybe he's waiting to make sure you mean it.

─ Say what now?

─ You did a lot of shitty stuff ..maybe he just wants you to do something that shows you really sorry, not just a apology because everyone can apologize, you just have to show that you mean it...

─ I gave up my bracelet... ─ Dark mumbled, shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

─ Maybe something more personal? I'm sure giving up the bracelet was hard but... That was more of a "I'm not evil anymore" case instead of "Please love me again" case...

The red figure huffed, straighting his back again. ─ Why am i about to accept relationship advice from your lonely ass?

─ You asked for it.

Purple quieted down when the door opened suddenly, Chosen walking inside once again, straight to his own bedroom and soon locking the door behind himself.

The moment the lock was heard, Dark groaned loudly. ─ I need to distract myself from this, come on.

Purple grabbed the icecream tub, following his friend to his, now unlocked, bedroom.

Dark had been back home for only a few weeks, not enough to redecorate completely but enough to clean up the many spider webs that called the place home since his departure.

A bed now with new sheets, a desk for his laptop, a small window, a wardrobe and a bean bag were all left in the big room.

─ Nice decor, i love the "absolutely nothing" you got going on. ─ Purple said before scarfing down more icecream.

─ Are you the one buying furniture here?  No, so you can't complain. ─ Dark grumbled, throwing himself in his bed and rubbing his face.

Purple took the opportunity to explore, putting the tub of icecream on the desk and yanking open the wardrobe.

─ How old are this clothes?

Without taking his hands away from his face, Dark shrugged. ─ Old enough to catch dust, most of it is there long before I left...

One jacket caught Purple's eyes, a black leather jacket with red details going down the sleeves.

The took it off it's hanger and patted a few times to take away the specs of dust it had collected. Still looked in good condition. ─ Old you had style.

─ If you say so, most of the stuff in there don't fit me anymore.

Purple quietly slipped the jacket on, staring at himself in the mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door, he had to admit he looked pretty good on it.

He quickly took his own shoes off, putting on a pair of black and silver boots he found. It gave him a good inch and a half.

Dark finally opened his eyes again when his friend went too quiet, turning his head at the figure who was basically playing dress up with his wardrobe.

─ What... Are you doing? ─ He asked with a confused but amused expression, Purple simply smirked, opening his eyes and giving a turn around.

─ Looking damn hot, that's what I'm doing!

─ Is my wardrobe your new clothing store?

─ It depend, you said it doesn't fit you anymore so, does that mean i get to keep it? ─ Purple hugged himself gently, the jacket making a satisfying crinkling sound.

Dark watched him for a moment, Purple looked so happy with the clothes he found, digging into the wardrobe and finding a black shirt that went beautifully with the jacket.

Then he softly shrugged. ─ Keep it. I'm gonna have to buy new clothes anyway.

Purple gave a loud squeak of excitement, marching towards Dark and squeezing his torso in a hug.

The dark lord froze in place with a surprised look before shaking his head aggressively.─ No, no, no, no, stop, stop now. You're touching me, Purple!

─ Right! ─ The purple figure flinched away with a apologetic look. ─ Still get to keep it?

─ Yeah, yeah whatever, just don't hug me like that...

Purple stepped away from him, going back to admiring his new look in the mirror, being so happy about it he couldn't even stop smiling.

Dark rolled his eyes and sat on the bed again, staring at his friend as he dug deeper into the wardrobe trying to find more entertaining items, but the red figure's mind slowly wandered away.

Truth be told, he needed to find a good way of making up to Chosen or at least a way of making him talk to him again, perhaps a gift... Or maybe cooking him a meal since God knows how long it's been since Chosen had eaten a actual healthy meal.

Speaking of meals, Dark's mind snapped back to reality to reach for the tub of ice cream again, but then he froze.

He could forgive Purple for his unnecessary affection towards him, or the fact he's stuffing his brand new old shirts into his bag and has turned his bedroom into a hot topic dressing closet.

But he couldn't forgive one thing...

─ Did you ate all the fucking ice cream???

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