Sick (Color gang + Purple)

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Second Coming woke up with a pounding headache.

Which was, worryingly, common for him. But today, oh it was awful.

His eyes took a few long minutes to focus on the ceiling of his bedroom, the horrible feeling of moist blankets, drenched in his sweat against his shivering body. The orange figure had no choice but to get up to get rid of that feeling.

But that was a challenge on itself. Lethargy held on to his body and made throwing his legs off the bed the most challenging task he ever had to face.

With some coaxing, his feet touched the cold floor, which gave him the slightest relief from the horrible burning sensation he felt in his cheeks and deep in his chest. Who changed the temperature? Was the computer overheating again?

His body slowly leaned forward when he managed to sit on the bed, blinking away the white spots that invaded his vision.

Second made a mental note to check the computer system before it overheat too much, of course that would happen... As soon as the room stopped being black. When did he close his eyes again? The thumping steps of one of his friends descending to the kitchen groaning and grumbling for breakfast forced his eyes back open.

His knees were shaking violently when he finally pushed himself upright. Oh thank God for the counter by his bed, he would had gone directly to the floor if he hadn't hold on to it.

"I should make breakfast..." He was basically swimming through the fog in his brain, perhaps he should take notes to keep his memory going.

His hand had barely reached the doorknob when he was assaulted by a coughing fit, one that shook his body and made his lungs cry in pain.

"I really need some cough drops..."

The light hit him like a brick wall tumbling down when he finally opened the door. His head pounded hard like a hammer in his skull, but he pressed on towards the kitchen.

When did he lost his ability to walk straight? Perhaps the floor was shaking or his legs were wobbly.

Because Second Coming serpentined down the corridor, trying to stay focused on the open doorway in front of him instead of the rest of the corridor that was spinning so violently around him.

His brain focused on the sink when he finally made it into the kitchen, ignoring Blue who was sitting at the table.
The orange figure didn't noticed how unbelievably thirsty he felt, like water was the most important thing that he has been neglecting for a year.

A hand reached for his shoulder, patting him softly.

Second looked as Blue recoiled slightly when he touched his skin, he also remembered a cold heaven sent hand touching under his burning cheek, cooling the scorching feeling under skin.

Yeah, he almost sure he remembered that.

He also remembered hearing a string of words coming from Blue's mouth, and the weird tingling feeling on his legs.

He tried focusing on what Blue had to say, he managed to hear his own name before his focus shifted to a new white spot that appeared in his vision, then another then another.

Second woke up with a even worst headache and the icky feeling of lukewarm water going down his forehead.

Blue and Red were sitting by his side on the bed. Meanwhile Yellow was preoccupied with rinsing a piece of cloth inside a little plastic bowl.

─ How long i slept? ─ Was what Second tried to say, but the words just seemingly decided to start slurring together midway through it.

─ Sec you passed out in the kitchen... ─ Red's soft tone was appreciated, his head couldn't handle screaming right now. ─ If Blue wasn't there to hold you, you would have hit the floor...

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