Wither attack part 2 (yellow & blue)

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I'm back bitches!! Yes I'm making a third part too y'all damn impatient bastards lmaaaao but i am very very glad y'all like the first part of this story i love you guys and i love this characters

Btw i wrote this at 1 am


Blue loved adventures with his friends, he always had.

And like any other adventure, it started with a simple idea to go exploring the Minecraft, to find some nice location to spend the day.

With full backpacks they all went together, through the forest and into the plains.

It was all going well...

Until it appeared.

It came from nowhere, none had heard it float by but the Wither made itself known by blowing the floor in front of them, creating a crater and forcing all of them to rush in different directions.

It went after Yellow first, and Blue saw as his friend tripped and rolled down the rocks, the creature preparing another attack.

So he had to act. Legs going as fast as they could and soon enough he was behind the beast. He grabbed a rock from the floor, throwing it as hard as possible and hitting the left small skull.

Blue's breathing was shallow, his chest so painfully tight he felt like his heart was beating directly against his ribcage like a demon wishing for freedom.

Oh but there was no worst demon than the one that flew above him.

So menacing a presence that it shook him to his very core.

The gruesome hissing that loomed slowly turned in mid air, staring down at the petrified figure.

"Run." His brain insisted. "Run you idiot!!"

But he couldn't move, not with those empty emotionless eye sockets staring back at him. It's jawbone slowly unhinged and a tainted light formed in the back of it's throat.

He heard a muffled sound coming from his right, coming closer and closer.

Blue wanted to look but... The world seemed in slow motion.

─ Duck!! ─ Yellow screamed, grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing his body down when a explosion hit the rocks behind him.

The warm touch of his friend didn't left him, grabbing his wrist and pulling him along as he ran away from the incoming attacks.

His legs followed the lead not truly grasping the situation but knowing he couldn't stay glued there.

When both figures came running Second grabbed both of them, forcing all three to hide behind a few rocks where they could see the destruction the Wither created in it's path.

Blue's body trembled when he saw Red and Green, sprinting as fast as they could for cover as the flying monster bombarded their path with blowing skulls. They managed to slip through a crack into a small empty cave entrance.

The soft pained groan came from behind him and Blue turned around to see Yellow sliding down against a rock. Body pale and sweaty as Second whispered quiet sympathetic nothing's while trying his best to cover the horrible gash in his chest with a piece of his own now ripped shirt. Blue hadn't noticed the wound when they ran.

His eyes darted from his friends to the creature above, scanning the area looking for the small figures it wanted to hunt.

The main skull twitched towards their direction when Yellow let a small hiss of pain escape his lips.

Panic filled Second's eyes and soon the three were running again. Blue holding Yellow as they did so.

─ We need a portal out of here! ─ Blue yelled at Second who just kept running. ─ Second!

─ I know i know! ─ Second yelled back. ─ Duck!

Yellow and Blue were pushed behind another rock.

The wounded figure only sobbed and trembled, Blue knew he wouldn't be able to run for long enough to get away from this thing.

─ I think i can take it out but you have to get out of here! ─ Second yelled. ─ Take Yellow to a safe place i can teleport both of you out of he-

A explosion hit the rocks, sending all three of them flying.

Blue rolled on the grass until he stopped at a small slope, a burning agonizing pain filling his side and making his gasp.

Yellow looked up, he didn't feel too far from Blue, the creature was right above them.

Second stared at both of them for a moment before throwing a green beam of light towards them.

Blue woke up in a desert, gasping for air that seemed to have been knocked out of his lungs.

The bright Sun burned his eyes before he rolled over on his stomach. Feeling the overwhelming stinging on his side again.

─ Blue?... ─ Yellow's voice came from behind him. Weak and shaky.

Blue simply groaned, slowly making his way into a sitting position. ─ Where are we?...

Yellow looked around, nothing but mounds of sand and dead plants everywhere. ─ Definitely not home...

Blinking a few times, the blue figure rushed to his feet, looking around for any signs of his other friends. ─ Second?? Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck!

─ Yelling profanities wouldn't get us anywhere, Blue... We need to go find the others...

Blue nodded. They needed to find his friends.

Truly, the past couple of days had mixed into a blur of walking and sweating. Just how big could a desert be?

─ Yel?... ─ He called for his friend, but he didn't reply. ─ This ... this would be a good moment to wake up again ... My legs are killing me...

But yellow was irresponsive, drifting in and out of conscientiousness.

─ just... Just a little bit longer...

The words started sounding more and more like rambles of a delirious mind, a hungry, thirsty delirious mind.

But a glimpse of hope reached his eyes when he noticed that the sand seemed to be dwindling quite a bit, with little splotches of grass peaking out.

And then the sound of running water.

Just behind a mound of sand, a small clearing with trees and a running lake could be seen.

Blue ignored the pain to walk as fast as he could towards it, feet finally touching grass and finally feeling the soft breeze.

Slowly, Yellow was placed on the refreshing shadow of a tree. And Blue was about to get back up to grab some water when his exhaustion caught up to him.

Little white spots covered his vision before he passed out right there.

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